TN 15 (07-24)

HI 00825.065 Forms CMS-1966, Medicare Health Insurance Card

CMS will search for a better address on the master tapes in central office and on the Form CMS-40B, if available, and remail many of the undeliverable Medicare health insurance cards returned by the Post Office.

If a better address is located, a gummed address label will be placed over the old address stub of the card. Either a red check or a gummed label is an indication of a remailing attempt by CMS.

If the Medicare health insurance card is still undeliverable, CMS will forward the material to the servicing FO/PC for development, see HI 00901.125.

If the beneficiary is deceased, or suspended for a better address, follow the instructions in HI 00901.125.

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HI 00825.065 - Forms CMS-1966, Medicare Health Insurance Card - 07/16/2024
Batch run: 07/16/2024