RM 01105.000 Employer Reports - Wage Reports

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
RM 01105.001 General - Employer Wage Reports TN 1 12-92
RM 01105.003 Types of Wage Report Forms TN 10 09-23
RM 01105.005 Wage Report Filing Requirements TN 12 02-24
RM 01105.007 SSA's Role In Improving the Quality of Wage Reports TN 3 10-94
RM 01105.009 Handling Employer Inquiries About Filing Wage Reports TN 8 05-23
RM 01105.015 Answers to Typical Employer Wage Reporting Questions TN 9 09-23
RM 01105.020 Handling “Sensitive” Employer Inquiries TN 3 10-94
RM 01105.025 Filing Corrected Wage Reports TN 1 12-92
RM 01105.027 Educational Correspondence (EDCOR) and Decentralized Correspondence (DECOR) Letters Mailed when Names and SSNs Do Not Match Our Records TN 11 01-24
RM 01105.030 Exhibit 1 — Form 7018-A (Employer's Order Blank for 1994 Forms) TN 3 10-94
RM 01105.035 Exhibit 2 — Form 8508 (Request for Waiver from Filing Information Returns on Magnetic Media) TN 3 10-94
RM 01105.037 Exhibit 3 — Form 8809 (Request for Extension of Time To File Information Returns) TN 3 10-94
RM 01105.039 Exhibit 4 — List of Regional Magnetic Media Coordinators (Wage Reporting Specialists) TN 3 10-94
RM 01105.040 Exhibit 5 — Sensitive Inquiry Worksheet TN 3 10-94

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