TN 4 (01-22)

RM 05015.004 Completing the Correspondence Control Sheet to Reflect Updating Actions

A. Introduction

These instructions are to be used in the Update section after a case has been initially controlled and entered into the Management Information Control for Earnings System (MICES).

B. Procedure - New Location diary due date

Complete the “new location” portion of the Correspondence Control Sheet to reflect the movement of a case as follows. Fill in the 5, 6, or 8 digit code indicating the location to which the case is being moved. Follow the chart below.

1. Module (MOD)

Fill-In 1NNXXXMM as follows:

“1” is a constant (preprinted on form) indicating an Earnings Adjustment Branch (EAB) module, “NN” is the 2-digit module number;
“XXX” is the 3-character function code; and “MM” is the 2-digit Technician Number. (See listing below)

Fill-in For...
AIC Accounts Investigate Code
DHF Development Request
BET Benefit Earnings Technician
MHF Interface Request
REC Reconsideration Specialist
REV Review Clerk
SHF Systems Hold File

2. SSA Field Office (FO)

Fill in 2RRXXX as follows:

2 is a constant indicating a field office location, RR is the region code, XXX is an alpha/numeric FO code (See Service Area Directory for code).

3. External agency

Fill in 3CCCC as follows:

3 is a constant indicating external, non-Field Office. CCCC is a four character external code. See listing below.

Fill-in For...
2000 Division of Earnings and Business Services (DEBS)
2002 Earnings Adjustment Branch (EAB)
2004 Earnings Finance and Enumerations Unit (EFEU)
2005 Office of Claims and Payment Requirements (OCPR)
3000 “IRS pending” case
3001 “VA Unit Pending” case
3002 “OIP pending” case
3003 Division of International Operations (DIO) PC8“ pending” case redeveloped with CDB, (Claims Development Branch)
3004 Assistant Regional Commissioner Field Operations Pending
3005 Administrative Law Judge Pending
3006 Northwestern (NEPSC) PC1 Payment Service Center Pending
3007 Mid-Atlantic (MATPSC) PC2 Payment Service Center Pending
3008 Southeastern (SEPSC) PC3 Payment Service Center Pending
3009 Great Lakes (GL) Program Service Center Pending
3010 Mid-America (MAM) Program Service Center Pending
3011 Western (WN) Program Service Center Pending
3012 Office of Disability Operations Pending
3333 District Employer Correspondence Holding File
4444 Direct W-2 Correspondence Holding File
  • Fill in the six-digit (YYMMDD) diary date on which some action is to be taken on an Earnings Discrepancy (ED) case.

  • Write your initials in the space provided.

C. Procedure - disposition codes

See chart below for symbols indicating the disposition.

1. General

Fill-in For...
BENE Beneficiary
DEBS Branch within Division of Earnings and Business Services
CL Claims
BSB Business Service Branch
ER Employer
GESS Generalized Earnings Statement System
RWE Return to Wage Earner
R3PTY Return to Third Party
SSN Social Security Number
SSO Social Security Office
Staff Office “S”, Branch reference Symbol and an alphabetic “O”
UIS Unemployment Insurance service
WE Wage Earner
3PTY Third Party Reply

2. Federal Agencies

Field Field Office
AOA Administration on Aging
DOE Department of Education
IRO1-IR10 Internal Revenue District Office
NAN No Answer Necessary
NLRB National Labor Relations Board
OFA Office of Family Assistance
PHS Public Health Service
SC SC plus Service Center Number
TR Treasury Department
VA Veterans Administration

3. SSA Offices

Fill-in For...
OACT Office Actuary
ODO Office of Disability Operations
OGA Office of Government Affairs
OLRP Office of Legislative and Regulatory Policy
OMBP Office of Management, Budget and Personnel
OPICS Office of Public Inquiries and Communications Support
OPSC Office of Program Service Centers

4. Program Service Centers

Fill-in For...
DIO Division of International Operations
GLPSC Great Lakes
MAMPSC Mid-America
MATPSC Mid-Atlantic
NEPSC Northwestern
SEPSC Southwestern
WNPSC Western


 When disposition code is DEBS, Field, IRO1-IR10 or SSO, show specific location in comment field on the Correspondence Control Sheet.

  • Detach the Correspondence Control Sheet from case materials.

  • Dispose of all case related material in accordance with established procedures.

  • Enter your initials in the space provided.

D. Procedure - earnings discrepancy

To handle an ED, check (✓ ) the current date block and fill in your initials.

E. Procedure - miscellaneous updates

To update (make corrections) to certain information already entered in the control record do the following:

  • If the output for one or more interfaces is needed check (✓ )  the appropriate box.

  • Fill in the information you need corrected in the appropriate space.

  • Write your initials in the appropriate space.

  • Place the Correspondence Control Sheet and all case related material in the receptacle set aside in each mod for updating actions.

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RM 05015.004 - Completing the Correspondence Control Sheet to Reflect Updating Actions - 01/20/2022
Batch run: 01/20/2022