TN 18 (12-12)

RM 10211.213 Verifying Asylee Status Through the Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR)

If the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Initial Verification (IV) response does not verify asylee status, immediately take the following steps to request verification through EOIR.

NOTE: Do NOT call the Immigration Judge, the Immigration Court, or the Board of Immigration Appeals to verify asylum was granted.




Dial the EOIR case status line telephone number, 800-898-7180. Go to Step 2.


Press "1" for instructions in English. Go to Step 3.


Enter the 9-digit alien registration number (A#) from the evidence of asylee status. If the A# only has 8 digits, enter a lead zero followed by the 8 digits.

The system will read back the number entered.

Press "1" if correct.

Press "2" to re-enter the A#.

If there is EOIR information in the system for the A# entered, the system will spell out the person’s name.

Press "1" if the name in the system agrees with the name on the evidence of asylee status submitted.

Press "2" if you need to re-enter the A#.

Go to Step 4.

If there is no EOIR information in the system for the A# entered, the system will state the A# did not match a record or the case has not been filed with the Immigration Court. Go to Step 7.


Press "3" for decision information. Determine if the applicant was granted asylum based on the automated message.

If the EOIR case status line states: "The Immigration Judge granted relief on your case at (address of Immigration Court) on (date of Order)," the person may have been granted asylum. Go to Step 5.

If the EOIR case status line states: “Immigration Judge issued an administrative decision on your case at (address of Immigration Court) on (date of Order).” Go to Step 7.

If the EOIR case status line states: "Your case is currently pending," the Immigration Judge has not yet granted asylum. Go to Step 9.

If the EOIR case status lines states: "Information cannot be released regarding this case," EOIR closed the asylum proceedings to protect the privacy of the applicant. Contact your regional office (RO) enumeration specialist for assistance. The RO specialist should consult with staff from the Office of Income Security Programs (OISP).

If the EOIR case status line states: "The Immigration Judge has ordered removal on your case at (address of Immigration Court) on (date of Order)," the Immigration Judge did not grant the person asylum. Do not process the application. For information on providing written notice to an SSN applicant, follow RM 10215.115.


Refer to the type of evidence submitted.

If the evidence was:

Form I-94 with an asylum granted stamp (RM 10211.207), or

Form I-766 with Category "A5" (RM 10211.209), or

Order of the Immigration Judge granting asylum with appeal rights waived,

Do NOT check EOIR for pending appeals. Go to Step 8.

If the evidence was an Order of the Immigration Judge granting asylum with appeal rights reserved, go to Step 6.

NOTE: For information on determining if appeal rights were waived or reserved, refer to the chart in RM 10211.211C.


Press "4" for case appeal information.

If no appeal is pending, go to Step 8.

If an appeal is pending, go to Step 9.


If the EOIR case status line has no or insufficient applicant information in the system, it cannot verify asylee status. Submit a SAVE Additional Verification (AV) request following RM 10214.150.


If the EOIR case status line verifies asylum was granted (i.e., the response is "The Immigration Judge granted relief…"), continue processing the SSN application. You must document the Remarks field in the Summary screen in SSNAP with the specific information verifying asylee status provided by the EOIR hotline.

NOTE: All successful EOIR verifications require two-PIN peer review and approval per RM 10220.040.


If the EOIR case status line indicates the case is currently pending or verifies asylum may have been granted (i.e., “The immigration Judge granted relief …”) but an appeal is pending, do not process the SSN application under the evidence of asylee status policy. See RM 10211.205D.

NOTE: Only use the EOIR case status line to verify the decision information (option 3) and case appeal information (option 4) when applicable as instructed above. The EOIR case status line provides additional information regarding an applicant's next hearing date (option 1), case processing information (option 2), and filing information (option 5) that the Social Security Administration does not use. If you experience a problem or questionable response from the EOIR case status line, please contact your regional office (RO) enumeration specialist. The RO specialist should consult with staff from the Office of Income Security Programs (OISP).

See Also:

  •, general information on the EOIR case status line

  • RM 10214.150, Requesting Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Additional Verification (AV) of Immigration Documents

  • RM 10220.040, Two-Personal Identification Number (PIN) Clearance Process for Social Security Number (SSN) Applications

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