TN 71 (08-22)

GN 00502.190 Processing Manual Representative Payee (Payee) Selections

A. Policy for When You Can Process Manual Payee Selections

You must process all cases where the payee applicant has a Social Security number (SSN) in the Electronic Representative Payee System (eRPS). You can manually process a payee application when the applicant does not have an SSN, i.e., an undocumented alien parent payee who cannot be assigned an SSN or foreign payee applicant. The payee applicant must complete a paper form SSA-11BK, and you must update the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) or Supplemental Security Record (SSR) with your payee selection via manual action.


DO NOT manually select any payee applicant who has an SSN.

In all cases, select the most suitable payee based on guidelines in GN 00502.130 and GN 00502.132. In addition, note that we prohibit a beneficiary receiving Title II, VIII, or XVI benefits through a representative payee from serving as payee. There are NO exceptions to this prohibition.

B. Procedure for Title II Manual Payee Selections

1. Title II Manual Payee Selections

The field office (FO) must obtain the paper form SSA-11BK from the payee applicant, make the payee selection determination, and terminate the active payee in eRPS (if applicable). The FO must retain the form and scan into NDRED using the Evidence Portal (EP) or Electronic Disability Claims Folder (eDIB), using procedures in GN 00301.322, and forwards the SSA-11-BK application package to PC Paperless for processing center (PC) manual processing (along with an A-101/EF-101, if necessary for an initial claim).

The PC is responsible for manually processing payee applications and updating the MBR when the FO cannot process the application in eRPS for cases where the undocumented alien parent payee or foreign payee applicant does not have an SSN. The PC manually inputs the case via MACADE and sends the appropriate notices to the payee and/or beneficiary.

IMPORTANT: When updating the MBR manually, be aware of situations where a beneficiary, who has a payee, is also applying to serve as payee. By law, a beneficiary receiving title II, VIII, or XVI benefits through a payee may NOT serve as a payee.

2. Forwarding the SSA-11-BK package

The FO must assemble the SSA-11-BK application package and forward to PC Paperless for PC title II manual payee selection actions. The package contains:

  • SSA-11BK – Request to be Selected as Payee;

  • SSA-5002 – Report of Contact with the information required in GN 00502.113E;

  • SSA-409 – Post-adjudicative Routing; and

  • Any other development pertinent to the payee determination (i.e. SSA-787 , SSA-4164) .

C. Procedure for Title XVI Manual Payee Selections

The FO is responsible for manually updating the SSR for cases where the undocumented alien parent payee or foreign payee applicant does not have an SSN. The FO must secure the SSA-11-BK, make the payee selection determination, and generate (or manually prepare) appropriate notices, and scan and retain the SSA-11-BK. The FO must manually input the case using forms SSA-1719B – SSI Post-Eligibility Data Input or SSA-450 – Claims Input Data.

IMPORTANT: When updating the SSR manually, be aware of situations where a beneficiary who has a payee is also applying to serve as payee. By law, a beneficiary receiving title II, VIII, or XVI benefits through a payee may NOT serve as a payee.

D. Other Manual Payee Actions

1. T2R Output

The PC is responsible for manually processing fallout from T2R (alert and exception processing). Process T2R outputs in accordance with SM 03005.195. Process exceptions using MACADE. The payee application in eRPS remains in a “ready to process” status until the MACADE action processes. You can view the status of the payee application under “Search/View/Update Applications” in eRPS.

2. Notice Output

When you receive a “Review Notice” alert, review the alert and query eRPS to determine the proper recipient of the notice. If required, print a copy of the SG-SSA-11 from the Online Retrieval System to obtain necessary information.

E. References

  • SM 03005.195 Change of Representative Payee

  • SM 03020.150 Develop for Representative Payee (DPYE)

  • SM 00842.046 Name and Address Data (PNA)

  • SM 00810.700 Processing Representative Payee Changes

  • GN 00502.115 The SSA-11-BK, Request to be Selected As Payee

  • GN 00503.000 Payee Notices and Appeal Rights

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GN 00502.190 - Processing Manual Representative Payee (Payee) Selections - 08/26/2022
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