TN 12 (07-97)

GN 00904.026 Servicing Office - Representative Payee Involved Initial Claims

“Servicing office jurisdiction and processing responsibilities involving initial claims are consistent with the principles established in GN 00904.010. The servicing office is responsible for providing service to an individual who files a claim as a representative payee for a potential beneficiary and the potential beneficiary has not filed a claim on his own behalf. In this capacity the DO is referred to as the “servicing office” for the representative payee applicant or address. When a potential beneficiary does not file on his own behalf, the servicing office is determined by the address or preference of the representative payee applicant (GN 00904.064). In the event of multiple representative payee applications, the office servicing the applicant highest on the list of preferences (GN 00502.130) is the servicing office. Auxiliary or other claims filed by nonprincipal claimants should be kept and completely processed in the servicing nonresident office, UNLESS there is a claim pending on the primary claimant in the resident office. This information can be determined by making appropriate systems queries (first check the microfiche to see if the principal claimant is on the rolls) or telephoning the resident office if it can be identified.

The servicing nonresident office should send all claims and development to the resident office if there is a primary claim pending in the resident office. If it is necessary to delay forwarding such claims (longer than 10 days), the file should be documented as to the reason for the delay; e.g., additional development time was required, etc. If the resident office no longer has possession of the primary claim, the servicing office should retain such claim(s) and process according to the established procedures in GN 01010.027 through GN 01010.040."

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