TN 84 (06-24)

GN 02210.045 Rate of Overpayment Adjustment - Title II/Title XVI Beneficiary

A. Policy

When an individual receiving Title II benefits is overpaid and they are also receiving Title XVI payments, only 10 percent of the Title II monthly benefit amount will be withheld to recover the Title II overpayment.

The 10 percent withholding rate will apply in concurrent claims unless the overpaid individual specifically requests a greater (or lesser) rate of withholding.

B. Process

Regular procedures for determining and posting an overpayment will apply.

The Title II initial overpayment notice will reflect 10% withholding of the monthly benefit amount.

The Recovery of Overpayments, Accounting, and Reporting (ROAR) system will automatically withhold the 10% rate for concurrently entitled beneficiaries.

If the overpaid individual requests a different rate of benefit withholding, follow the instructions in GN 02210.030.

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GN 02210.045 - Rate of Overpayment Adjustment - Title II/Title XVI Beneficiary - 06/25/2024
Batch run: 06/25/2024