TN 17 (02-93)

GN 02215.180 Recovery After Referral to the RO or DOJ

A. Policy

Neither the FO nor the PC will request refund after a claim is referred to DOJ.

B. Procedure

1. Debtor makes refund

  1. a. 

    If full refund received from debtor, process as follows:

    • Accept,

    • Promptly notify the RO by telephone, and

    • If refund made in FO, forward to PC.

  2. b. 

    If less than full refund is received, assume the debtor did not receive notice from the U.S. Attorney unless otherwise stated. Follow a. above.

  3. c. 

    If less than full refund is received and the debtor states he/she has received notice from the U.S. Attorney, advise him/her to make refund to the U.S. Attorney.

  4. d. 

    If the RO has already referred the claim to the U.S. Attorney, the RO will promptly notify the U.S. Attorney's office by telephone of the collection or reduction in debt amount. (The U.S. Attorney will decide how to handle the claim.). If the claim is pending in the RO, the RO will return all material to the PC with an explanation.

2. Debtor establishes eligibility for payment

If a debtor establishes eligibility for payment and immediate adjustment is applicable (GN 02210.006), the PC will initiate adjustment, and promptly notify the RO of any recovery made and of any outstanding balance. If the claim has already been referred to the U.S. Attorney for enforced collection, the RO will promptly notify the U.S. Attorney's office, by telephone, of the recovery which has been made and whether it is continuing.

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GN 02215.180 - Recovery After Referral to the RO or DOJ - 05/05/1994
Batch run: 02/05/2025