TN 27 (10-16)

GN 02401.065 Checks Issued to Beneficiaries Residing in Foreign Countries

A. Check process for beneficiaries in foreign countries

1. Title II checks

The Kansas City Regional Financial Center (KFC) prints Title II checks and groups the checks by consular code for beneficiaries residing in foreign countries. KFC prepares a list of the checks for themselves and any consular office to which they send the checks.

KFC sends most checks directly to the beneficiaries through International Priority Airmail (IPA). Treasury routes the remaining checks to the consular offices in batches for distribution. A list of the consular offices that show whether KFC sends the checks directly to the beneficiary by IPA or to the consular office is in subsection GN 02401.075C.

2. Title VIII checks (Special Veterans Benefits)

Although the Supplemental Security Record (SSR) pays Title VIII checks, they are not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) checks. KFC prints the checks and pouches them to the U.S. Embassy in Manila, Philippines for distribution. The U.S. Embassy in Manila, Philippines lists the checks and annotates the listing with the date of mailing. The number of Title VIII checks is small because most of the beneficiaries have direct deposit.

B. Procedure for checks mailed to a Foreign Service Post

The Foreign Service Post follows this process when receiving checks:




Annotate the check listing with the date of receipt.


Mail the checks and annotate the listing with the mailing date.


Code any undeliverable checks to indicate the reason for non-delivery.


Return the (coded) undeliverable checks to the Kansas City Regional Financial Center (KFC).


In change of address cases, redirect checks for up to 3 months and ensure processing of a change of address action. After 3 months, if the check still bears the incorrect address despite inputs to correct it, contact the Office of Earnings and International Operations (OEIO) for assistance. Ask OEIO to clear any exception and to input the correct check address.

C. References

  • GN 02402.201 Background and Policy for Direct Deposit Outside the U.S.

  • RS 02610.000 Alien Non-Payment Provisions

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GN 02401.065 - Checks Issued to Beneficiaries Residing in Foreign Countries - 03/28/2011
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