TN 274 (07-24)

GN 02402.215 International Direct Deposit (IDD) Cancellation

A. Beneficiary requests cancellation

When a beneficiary requests cancellation of the IDD;

  • Identify the beneficiary, recipient, or payee per GN 02402.025B.

  • Discuss the reason for the beneficiary’s request, and encourage continuing payment via IDD.

  • If there have been problems associated with the IDD, assist the beneficiary, recipient, or payee in correcting the problems.

B. Change Direct Deposit

When changing direct deposit to a different international account;

  • Advise the beneficiary to keep the old account open until a benefit payment is received in the new account.

  • Before inputting new bank information, see the references for coding foreign bank data at GN 02402.220D.

C. Cancel Direct Deposit

If the beneficiary, recipient, or payee insists on cancelling the IDD;

  • Input the cancellation.

  • However, advise the beneficiary to keep the account open until payments start arriving via paper check.



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GN 02402.215 - International Direct Deposit (IDD) Cancellation - 07/09/2024
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