TN 81 (06-24)

GN 02408.710 Date of Death Incorrect on Record with EFT Payments

A. Policy

1. SSA receives a report with an incorrect date of death

When SSA receives a report that there is an incorrect date of death on the record, the processing center (PC) (for Title II) or the field office (FO) (for Title XVI):

  • Determines the correct date of death;

  • Corrects the date of death on the record;

  • Determines whether any incorrect reclamations have been sent to the Department of the Treasury (Treasury); and

  • Determines whether the reclamation request(s) previously sent contained all payments made after death.

2. Correct date of death is determined

Once the correct date of death has been determined, the FO/PC:

  • Sends an SSA-1714, Abandon Reclamation Request– EFT, to Treasury for any payments made before the actual death that have been included in a reclamation request; and

  • Inputs manual E-stops for any payments incorrectly made after death that have not already been included on a reclamation request.

B. References

  • GN 02408.800 - Abandon Reclamation – EFT

  • SM 01301.375 - DH Field – Death

  • SM 01301.379 - Summary of Required Data for Death Situations

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GN 02408.710 - Date of Death Incorrect on Record with EFT Payments - 06/13/2024
Batch run: 02/19/2025