TN 96 (03-23)

GN 02602.210 Date of birth alerts

A. Introduction

Date of birth (DOB) alerts are generated for E's, B2's, and B5's when they are age 64, 64 and 6 months, or 64 and 9 months and the Proof of Age (POA) indicator on the MBR is missing or is coded with an A for alleged. See MS 06307.027.

B. Procedure

Review the record to determine the necessary action. Although developing proof of age may be the only action, other actions may be needed (e.g., development for a Certificate of Election or for RIB/Spouse dual-entitlement claim for a claimant in LAF S4: No Child in Care.)

IF.......... AND.......... THEN..........
1. POA is in file (i.e. review the CFUI using the Evidence Portal, and the EVID screen) a. it agrees with the MBR Complete the BEN1 screen/DOB1 screen to add appropriate proof code to MBR. See MS 06307.027 for guidance.


When applicable, annotate the A101 or EF101 with the correct DOB proof code, your initials, mod, and date.


Determine the beneficiary's eligibility to HI/SMI (HI 00801.006) and refer to a BA for HI/SMI coding if appropriate.
b. it does not agree with the

Complete the (DOB1) screen to correct the DOB. Add the appropriate proof code to the MBR and proceed as indicated above, if appropriate. NOTE: If the DOB changes, the citizenship start date may also be affected (e.g., A person is a US born citizen, and the DOB is coded incorrectly as 02/06/1953 A, when it should be 02/09/1953 B. When action is taken to update the DOB, the citizenship start date should also be changed to 02/09/1953.
2. POA not in file Determine the DOB in accordance with the instructions provided in GN 00302.001ff and proceed as indicated in 1.a. or b. above. NOTE: Use POA tolerance rules if applicable, per GN 00302.030.

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GN 02602.210 - Date of birth alerts - 03/13/2023
Batch run: 03/13/2023