TN 5 (11-15)

GN 03305.010 Reviewing and Retaining Consent Statements

A. Reviewing the consent document

We must review the consent document before disclosing any information. If a consent document fails to meet any one or more of the applicable requirements listed in GN 03305.003D and GN 03305.003E, do not disclose any information. Return the consent document to the requester with an explanation of why we cannot honor it. To ensure the subsequent consent document meets all of the requirements, include a copy of the consent requirements listed in GN 03305.003D or GN 03305.003E, if applicable, and the SSA-3288 with your notice.

B. Consent documents we retain

We must keep consent documents for a minimum of two years after we make a disclosure. Under the Privacy Act, an individual has two years from the date a cause of action arises (allegation of an unauthorized disclosure) to file suit against us. If a claim file (paper or electronic) exists, file the consent document in the file using current office processing instructions for maintaining paper or scanned or other electronic images of documents. If a claim file does not exist, the office processing the request should retain the consent document in the office’s correspondence files.

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GN 03305.010 - Reviewing and Retaining Consent Statements - 11/16/2015
Batch run: 11/19/2015