TN 1 (12-18)

GN 03312.115 Disclosure to Locate Fleeing Felons or Parole or Probation Violators

Provisions in sections Sec. 202(x) and Sec. 1611(e) of the Social Security Act (Act) require us to disclose to any Federal, State, or local law enforcement officer, upon a valid written request, the current address, Social Security number, and photograph (if applicable) of any individual receiving benefits under Titles II or XVI of the Act who is:

  • fleeing to avoid prosecution, or custody or confinement after conviction, under the laws of the place from which the person flees, or, in jurisdictions that do not define crimes as felonies, is punishable by death or imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year, regardless of the actual sentence imposed; or

  • violating a condition of parole or probation imposed under Federal or State law.

We generally make disclosures under the above provisions pursuant to a written computer matching agreement. However, if we receive a valid written law enforcement request and the agency’s serious crime provisions are met for the original conviction, under 20 CFR 401.155(b) for the original conviction, we may also disclose relevant and necessary information about fleeing felons and parole and probation violators when a person violates a condition of probation or parole.

For further information about fleeing felons and parole and probation violators, see

  • GN 02613.010 Title II Fugitive Suspension Provisions

  • SI 00501.001 Eligibility Under the Supplemental Security Income Provisions

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GN 03312.115 - Disclosure to Locate Fleeing Felons or Parole or Probation Violators - 12/21/2018
Batch run: 12/21/2018