TN 56 (01-25)

RS 00205.785 Change Involving Attendance at a Foreign School

A. Policy

When a student reports a change to another foreign school, or from a school in the United States to a foreign school, SSA must determine whether the student is in FTA at an EI.

B. Procedure

1. General

Give or send the student an SSA-1372-BK-FC for completion as explained in RS 00205.745B.1. Advise the student that the student's benefits will be suspended if the completed form is not received within 15 days.

Diary the case for 30 days. When the SSA-1372-BK-FC is returned, take action as explained in RS 00205.745B.2.

If, when the diary period expires, the completed form has not been received, suspend benefits.

2. School year has not started

Continue payments to the student if the school official cannot complete the school certification statement because the school year has not started, and the following conditions are met:

  • The student's statement shows the studen is or will be in FTA at a primary or secondary school; and

  • The information in RS 00205.875 - RS 00205.895 shows the school is one that would normally be part of the primary or secondary system; and

  • The student continues to meet all the factors of entitlement to student benefits.

Return the SSA-1372-BK-FC to the student. Advise the student to have a school official complete the Certification by School Official on page 3 as soon as the school year starts and to give the school official page 4, Notice of Cessation of Full-Time School Attendance. Tell the student to return the completed SSA-1372-BK-FC by the end of the month in which the new school year begins. Advise the student that if the form is not returned by that time, the student's benefits will be terminated effective with the last month the student was in FTA at an EI.

Diary the case for the 15th of the month after the month in which the new school year begins. When the SSA-1372-BK-FC is returned, take action as explained in RS 00205.745B.2.

Terminate benefits effective with the month after the last month the student was in FTA at an EI if, when the diary period expires, the form has not been returned.

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RS 00205.785 - Change Involving Attendance at a Foreign School - 01/14/2025
Batch run: 01/14/2025