TN 17 (07-92)

RS 00605.010 Initial PIA Computations


  1. 1. 

    1978 NS (see RS 00605.015 ff.) first applicable 1/79

  1. a. 


Eligibility after 1978

  1. b. 

    Elapsed Years




1951 (exclude years prior to age 22; exclude years partly or wholly within a period of disability if freeze computation applies).

Up to the earliest year of age 62, deemed age 62 for DIB only or death.

  1. c. 

    Comp Years

RIB or Survivors; or DIB before 7/80: Highest of base years equal in number to 5 less than elapsed years (Minimum - 2).

NOTE:  In certain RIB cases involving prior DIB where less than 5 drop out years applies to the DIB, less than 5 drop out years may  apply to the subsequent RIB. See RS 00605.230.

First DIB entitlement 7/80 or Later: Highest of base years equal to elapsed years less number of elapsed years divided by 5 plus child care years (Minimum - 2).

  1. d. 

    Base Years




1951 (exclude years wholly within a period of disability if freeze computation applies)

RIB and DIB up to the year for which benefits are being established. survivors - through the year of death.

  1. e. 



Determine the PIA from AIME. apply COL increases due through date of entitlement, beginning with the COL increase month of the eligibility year.

  1. 2. 

    NS Transitional Guarantee PIA (see RS 00605.025) first applicable 1/79

  1. a. 


  • Attainment of age 62 during the period 1979-1983; and

  • RSI benefits payable - this method does not apply for DIB; first effective 1/79, or later, and

  • Some earning credited in any year prior to 1979; and

  • No period of disability beginning prior to 1979 unless 12 month break in eligibility month or prior DIB is disregarded; and

  • Dies in or after month of attainment of age 62 (for survivor benefits.

  1. b. 

    Elapsed Years




1951 (exclude years partly or within a period disability if freeze computation applies).

Up to the year of attainment of age 62.

  1. c. 

    Comp Years

Highest base years equal in number to elapsed years less 5. (Minimum - 2).

  1. d. 

    Base Year




Same as 1.d above

Up to the year of eligibility

  1. e. 



Determine PIA from AMW using the 6/78 table in Section 215(a) of the Act or use the 6/78 Section of Computation and Benefit Tables. Apply COL increases due beginning with the COL increase of the eligibility year through the date of entitlement. Benefits cannot be recomputed to include earnings in or after the eligibility year.

  1. 3. 

    1977 Simplified OS (see RS 00605.030 and RS 00605.100). First applicable 1/78

  1. a. 


At least one quarter prior to 1951 is a quarter of coverage and

  • Date of birth is 1/2/1916 - 1/1/1929 or date of birth is after 1/1/1929, with less than six QC's after 1950, and

  • no period of disability which began prior to 1951 (unless non-freeze computation used), and

  • attainment of age 62; death; or disability onset (freeze) or deemed age 62 (non- freeze) occurs after 1977.

  1. b. 

    Elapsed Years




1937 (exclude years prior to age 22; exclude years partly or wholly within a period of disability, if freeze computation applies).

Up to the earliest of: year of attainment of age 62, deemed attainment of age 62 (DIB only), death.

  1. c. 

    Comp Years

RIB, survivors, or DIB before 7/80: Highest of base years equal to elapsed years less 5 (Minimum - 2)

NOTE: In certain RIB cases involving prior DIB where less than 5 dropout years applied to the DIB, less than 5 dropout years may  apply to the subsequent RIB. See RS 00605.230.

First DIB Entitlement 7/80 or Later: Highest of base years equal to elapsed years less elapsed years divided by 5, plus child care years (Minimum - 2).

  1. d. 

    Base Year




1937 (exclude years wholly within a period of disability, freeze computation applies).

  • Pre-1979 eligibility: RIB and DIB - up to the year in which benefits are being established; survivors - through the year of death

  • Post-1978 eligibility: up to the eligibility year.

  1. e. 



  • Pre-1979 eligibility determine PIA from AMW and convert to PIA using the table in Section (215)(a) of the act. recomputations to include earnings or death after 1978 are required.

  • Post-1978 eligibility: same as above, except only the table in Section 215(a) if the act or the 6/78 section of computation and benefit tables can be used. Apply COL increases due through date of entitlement, beginning with the COL increase month of the eligibility year. Cannot be recomputed to include earnings in or after eligibility year.

  1. 4. 

    1967 simplified OS (see RS 00605.050 ff.) first applicable 1/67.

  1. a. 


  • RIB or DIB application effectively filed after 1/2/68; or death 1/2/68 (without RIB or DIB entitlement); or, recomputation or recalculation applies, and

  • at least one quarter prior to 1951 is a QC; and

  • date of birth is before 1/2/1916 or, date of birth is after 1/1/1930 and less than six QC's after 1950; and

  • no period of disability which began prior to 1951 (unless non-freeze is used); and

  • 1977 simplified OS does not apply.

  1. b. 

    elapsed years




same as 3.b. above

up to 1961, or later, up to the earliest of: year of age 62 attainment; year of attainment of deemed age 62 (DIB only); year of death. for males born before 1/2/11, retirement age is 65. for males born 1/2/11 through 1/3/13, retirement age is reached in 1975.

  1. c. 

    Comp years

highest of years equal to elapsed years less 5.

  1. d. 

    base year




same as 3.d. above

RIB and DIB - up to the years for which benfits are being established. Survivors - through the year of death.

  1. e. 



same as 3.e.1. above.

  1. 5. 

    1965 OS (see RS 00605.060) first applicable 1/66

  1. a. 


  • RIB or DIB application effectively filed after 1965; first applicable or death after 1965. (without RIB or DIB); or, recalculation applies, and

  • at least one quarter prior to 1951 is a qc; and

  • date of birth is before 1/2/1929, or date of birth is after 1/1/1929 with less than six QCs after 1950. (Determine QCs exclusive of military service wage credits unless such credits must be used for insured status.)

  • neither 1977 nor 1967 simplified OS apply.

  1. b. 

    elapsed years




same as 3.b. above.

same as 4.b. above.

  1. c. 

    comp years

same as 1.c. above.

  1. d. 

    base year




same as 3.d. above.

same as 4.d. above.

  1. e. 



same as 3.e.1. above.

  1. 6. 

    1965 NS (see RS 00605.040) first applicable 1/66

  1. a. 


meets one of the requirements in 5.a. first bullet above, and neither 1978 NS nor the NS transitional guarantee PIA apply.

  1. b. 

    elasped years




1951 (exclude years prior to age 22; exclude years partly or wholly a period of disability if freeze computa tion applies).

same as 4.d. above.

  1. c. 

    comp years

same as 1.c. above.

  1. d. 

    base year




1951 (exclude years wholly within a period of disability if freeze computation applies).

same as 4.d. above.

  1. e. 



determine PIA from amw using the table in 215(a) of the act or use the computation and benefit tables.

  1. 7. 

    special minimum

  1. a. 


  • meets the requirements for any one of the other methods, 1.b. - 6.b.

  • Meets the minimum numbers of years of coverage required for the particular effective date.

  1. b. 

    elapsed years




not applicable.

not applicable.

  1. c. 

    comp years

years of coverage up to a maximum of 30, as defined below:

  • for 1937-1950, total earnings divided by $900 up to a maximum of 14

  • for 1951-1978, any base year whose earnings total 25% of maximum creditable

  • for 1979-on, any base year whose earnings total 25% of an amount established by law.

  1. d. 

    base year




1937 or 1951 exclude post-1950 years wholly within a period of disability if exclusion is necessary for insured status to be met).

same as 4.d. above.

  1. e. 



multiply years of coverage less 10 by: $11.50 effective 1/79; $9.00 effective 3/74 - 12/78 $8.50 effective 1/73 - 2/74.

Effective 6/79, apply cost-of-living increases.

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RS 00605.010 - Initial PIA Computations - 06/20/2008
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