TN 10 (12-22)

DI 10005.010 Field Office (FO) and Disability Determination Services (DDS) Exchange of Information and Coordination of Actions

A. Information exchange and coordination of actions

There are many situations that require FO-DDS communication on a case-related issue.

The FO may contact or request assistance from the DDS to:

  • Develop for capability in potential representative payee cases;

  • Notify the DDS of any changes including change of name, address, and phone number;

  • Notify the DDS that the claimant died;

  • Update insured status information;

  • Notify the DDS that the claimant has withdrawn his or her claim;

  • Notify the DDS of a return to work issue;

  • Notify the DDS Examiner or Unit Supervisor in the DDS of any sensitive or critical cases.

The DDS may request the FO to:

  • Obtain evidence;

  • Develop work activity;

  • Assist in arranging for consultative examinations; or

  • Contact the claimant or other parties.


DI 23020.000, Priority Cases

B. Communicate via the Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS)

1. Update After Transfer (UAT)

For certified electronic folder (CEF) cases, the FO uses the UAT utility in EDCS to update information in the file after a case has been transferred to the DDS or the Office of Hearings Operation (OHO).

The UAT functionality is not available for electronic Continuing Disability Reviews (eCDRs).


DI 81010.095, Using the Update-After-Transfer (UAT) Utility

NOTE: For non-CEF or cases when EDCS UAT is not appropriate, use the most expeditious way to coordinate actions in these situations, e.g. telephone, email, or fax. Fax should generally be used rather than paper mail to transmit assistance requests and subsequent documentation.

2. EDCS Action Items (AIs) and Electronic Assistance Requests (ARs)

The DDS communicates with the FO via AI and AR on the EDCS Actions Page. For complete instructions on the EDCS Actions Page functionality, see DI 81010.100, Electronic Disability Collect System (EDCS) Actions Page.

The FO handles all requests promptly and thoroughly:

  1. 1. 

    Follow additional instructions issued by the Regional Office (RO) regarding FO-DDS contact.

  2. 2. 

    Follow guidelines issued by the RO on local, state, or regional arrangements regarding special problems, or other matters of local or regional interest, that require special instructions.

  3. 3. 

    Respond to all DDS development requests:

    • Respond promptly to all DDS assistance or development requests made via EDCS, email, telephone, fax, or paper SSA-883, Request for Evidence or Assist Disability form. If information or assistance cannot be immediately provided, establish a control on these requests and furnish the development or a status report (including expected completion date) to DDS within 14 days of the request.

    • DDS should follow up with the FO if no response is received. In special situations (second follow-ups, extreme problem cases, etc.), DDS may request RO assistance (see POMS GN 01070.100 Request for Regional Office (RO) Technical Assistance) for processing instructions.

C. Obtaining case status information

1. eView

eView is a web-based application that enables users involved in case processing to view, print, copy to CD, and take specific action on the disability information contained in the CEF. For complete instruction on the use of eView, see DI 81005.000, eView.

2. Disability Determination Services Query (DDSQ)

The DDS inputs data on the National Disability Determination Services System (NDDSS). FOs obtain and review this disability information on the NDDSS by obtaining a DDSQ. Use this query to respond to routine inquiries from claimants and to check the progress of DDS case processing.

Request theDDSQ by completing the UNIT, RS, and AN, fields on the DDSQ mask. The table below contains a quick explanation guide to the most frequently used fields in the query.




DDS Receipt Date


DDS Unit


DDS Examiner


Medical Deferment Date


N = No System Override – All Data Transmitted to SSA Systems

C = Case Movement Only – Decisional Data Suppressed

D = Decisional Data Only – Case Control Data Suppressed

Y = System Override – Suppresses Transmission of All Data to SSA Systems


State Agency Closure Date


Clearance Destination (See NOTE below)


Decision Code

NOTE: If the DST shows a location beginning with “R”, the case has been selected for Office of Quality Performance quality review and is still pending.

CAUTION:The DDSQ provides information about Title II and Title XVI claims, and it may also provide information concerning a Medicaid or a Medical Assistance (MA) claim. Since a Title XVI DDSQ looks nearly identical to a Medicaid (or MA) query, note the following differences to ensure you provide accurate information to a claimant questioning the status of his or her claim. For Medicaid (MA) queries the:

  1. 1. 

    Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC) field contains an “AR”, which indicates an assistance request.

  2. 2. 

    Study List Code (SLC) contains an “N”, which indicates the claim is a non-federal claim.

  3. 3. 

    District Office Code (DO) field contains a DDS code rather than a DO code.

  4. 4. 

    Destination Code (DST) contains letters designating a county destination rather than a DO code.


  • SM 06002.100, How to Complete the NDDSS Master File Menu (DDSM)

  • SM 06002.200, Parts of a Full Query Response

  • MSOM DDS 001.006, NDDSS Master File Menu (DDSM)

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