Develop work activity after 11/30/91 using the instructions in DI 12586.070; work prior to 12/01/91 will not be counted for purposes of assessing trial work
months or for purposes of imposing SGA suspensions or terminations (see DI 12586.001, item 11.).
Beneficiaries who are currently entitled based on subsequent claims may be affected
as a result of counting trial work months which occur after 11/30/ 91. In order to
avoid large retroactive overpayments, when development under DI 12586.055, item 5, results in termination for SGA after the PAYMENT PERIOD ends, protect the
filing date for a new claim as of the date of SSA's receipt of the request for Stieberger review.
Prepare an SSA-833 cessation determination and return the case to the DDS to establish
a new period of disability. When the folder is returned from the DDS, effectuate payments
for the proper periods.
If subsequent entitlement is not affected by terminating the Stieberger entitlement, no protective filing is required.