TN 28 (05-24)

DI 13005.045 Field Office (FO) Actions When the Disability Determination Services (DDS) Requests Assistance from the FO

A. FO actions when the DDS requests assistance contacting the individual receiving disability benefits

The DDS may find it necessary to contact the individual receiving disability benefits while evaluating the evidence obtained by the FO. The DDS or Office of Disability Operations (ODO) may contact the individual receiving disability benefits or representative payee directly by telephone, if:

  • the individual does not respond to the DDS or ODO inquiry,

  • the responses are inadequate or illegible, or

  • there is a need for additional information.

If this contact is unsatisfactory, or the DDS or ODO are unable to contact the individual receiving disability benefits or representative payee, they may request FO assistance. The request that the FO receives from the DDS or ODO will contain an explanation of the need for the information. The DDS or ODO can send an assistance request (AR) for an electronic CDR (eCDR), see DI 81010.100. Also, the DDS or ODO can provide an explanation on the form SSA-883-PG01 (Request for Evidence or Assistance (Disability Case)).

After completing any necessary actions, the FO must return the material to the DDS or ODO. If the FO cannot locate the individual receiving disability benefits or if the individual refuses to cooperate, document the folder and process the case, see DI 13015.001 through DI 13015.025. For instructions on electronic continuing disability reviews (eCDRs), see DI 81010.100.

B. DDS requests clarification of the 24-month period

If a Title II or a concurrent (Title II and Title XVI) beneficiary has performed work in the current period of disability, the period of disability entitlement impacts how the DDS considers activities performed in work when evaluating if an individual’s disability continues under the medical improvement review standard.  

If the DDS needs clarification of the 24-month period, the DDS will submit an AR to the FO for clarification. After the FO evaluates if the 24-month requirement is met for a beneficiary that has worked during a current period of disability based on the criteria in DI 13010.012C.1. and DI 13010.012C.2., the FO must document this information in the electronic folder using an SSA-5002 (Report of Contact).  For additional information on how to respond to an AR, see DI 81010.100B.


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DI 13005.045 - Field Office (FO) Actions When the Disability Determination Services (DDS) Requests Assistance from the FO - 05/30/2024
Batch run: 05/30/2024