Basic (07-24)

DI 13501.020 Coordination with Other Designated Agencies

A. The DO and State VR Agency

The procedures for following up on beneficiary rehabilitation require close coordination between the DO, and the State VR agency, and the State Disability Determination Service (DDS). The objective is to return the disabled person to the labor force.

All pertinent data in the disabled person's disability file and in the State VR agency's records are available for both the disability determination and the VR process. Accordingly, if a VR counselor contacts the DO for information which is required for rehabilitation purposes but is not available from the claimant, the information in the DO disability claim file may be disclosed to the VR agency.

Information recorded on such forms as the SSA-3368-F8 (Disability Report) or SSA-454-BK (Report of Continuing Disability Interview), can lead to a valuable exchange of information between the State Agency (DDS) and the VR agency.

The VR office may also refer an individual to a DO to file a disability application; or if they are already receiving payments, to report the beginning or termination of work; the initiation or completion of a plan for achieving self-support; or other events which may have a bearing on the beneficiary/ recipient's continuing eligibility for such payments. In addition, the VR counselor will report to ODO on issues of refusal of VR services.

To assist the DO in maintaining and strengthening continuing coordination between the DO and VR operations, the Disability Programs Branch (DPB) in the Regional Office may be called upon to provide assistance. The DO is encouraged to submit problems and suggestions affecting DO-VR relationships to the DPB for consideration.

B. Assisting the VR Agency in Locating Claimants

The State VR Agency will notify the DO when a claimant cannot be located. The DO will handle the request as follows:


Verify the address. The DO may query the MBR or SSR for the current address. Notify the State agency if a new address is found or if the address which the VR agency has is correct.


If DO records show information regarding the individual's address, advise the VR agency by phone or in writing. If DO records do not contain such information, the VR agency should be advised.

C. DO and Other Designated State Agencies

The DO should cooperate with the crippled children's agency or other designated State agency in request, oral or written, for additional information on SSI disability recipients under age 16. Any information in the DO disability claim file may be disclosed to such an agency in accordance with the procedures in GN 03301.004.

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DI 13501.020 - Coordination with Other Designated Agencies - 07/17/2024
Batch run: 07/17/2024