In concurrent Title II-Title XVI claims on the same SSN (e.g., DIB-SSI/DI), only one
MDF is prepared and it is, in effect, the Title II folder. This folder contains all
medical records for both claims and the non-medical records for the Title II claim.
The non-medical records for the Title XVI claim, including the disability transmittal
form, are filed in a brown two-part folder and attached to the Title II folder jacket.
(See DI 11055.150 and DI 70005.005 for details.) The FO enters the claimant's Title II claim number on the face of the folder tab of
the MDF. Here, too, the letter “S” is entered on the tab.In claims with two SSNs (e.g., DWB-SSI/DI), two folders should be prepared as in Title
II related claims.
NOTE: Keep in mind that in the electronic file, the folders are set up the same as paper.