DI 25005.000 Capacity to Do Past Relevant Work

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
DI 25005.001 Determination of Capacity for Past Relevant Work (PRW) —Basics of Step 4 of the Sequential Evaluation Process TN 19 07-24
DI 25005.005 Expedited Vocational Assessment at Steps 4 and 5 of Sequential Evaluation TN 16 06-24
DI 25005.010 Whether Past Relevant Work Must Exist in Significant Numbers in the National Economy (SSR 05-1c)--U.S. Supreme Court Decision in the Case of Jo Anne B. Barnhart, Commissioner of Social Security v. Pauline Thomas TN BASIC 03-05
DI 25005.015 Determination of Capacity for Past Work-- Relevance Issues TN 17 06-24
DI 25005.020 Past Relevant Work (PRW) as the Claimant Performed It TN 15 06-24
DI 25005.025 Past Relevant Work (PRW) as Generally Performed in the National Economy TN 14 06-24
DI 25005.050 Making the Past Relevant Work (PRW) Determination TN 18 07-24

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