DI 25235.000 Case Processing Instructions for Title XVI Child Claims

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
DI 25235.001 Childhood Rationale Requirements TN 5 01-22
DI 25235.005 Medical Diary Criteria for Certain Title XVI Disabled Infants TN 4 04-21
DI 25235.006 Medical Diary Criteria for Low Birth Weight (LBW) Infants under Title XVI TN 7 08-23
DI 25235.010 Notice Language for Certain Title XVI Childhood Disability Cases TN 6 07-23
DI 25235.040 Referrals of Title XVI Disabled Children to Designated Title V or Other Agency TN 8 05-24

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DI 25235.000 - Case Processing Instructions for Title XVI Child Claims - Table of Contents - 05/22/2024
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