DI 34126.003 Genito-Urinary Listings from 01/06/86 – 05/23/02


6.00 Genito-urinary System

A. Determination of the Presence of Chronic Renal Disease will be based upon a (1) history, physical examination, and laboratory evidence of renal disease, and (2) indications of its progressive nature or laboratory evidence of deterioration of renal function.

B. Nephrotic Syndrome. The medical evidence establishing the clinical diagnosis must include the description of extent of tissue edema, including pretibial, periorbital, or presacral edema. The presence of ascites, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, and hydroarthrosis should be described if present. Results of pertinent laboratory tests must be provided. If a renal biopsy has been performed, the evidence should include a copy of the report of microscopic examination of the specimen. Complications such as severe orthostatic hypotension, recurrent infections or venous thromboses should be evaluated on the basis of resultant impairment.

C. Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, and Kidney Transplantation. When an individual is undergoing periodic dialysis because of chronic renal disease, severity of impairment is reflected by the renal function prior to the institution of dialysis.

The amount of function restored and the time required to effect improvement in an individual treated by renal transplant depend upon various factors, including adequacy of posttransplant renal function, incidence and severity of renal infection, occurrence of rejection crisis, the presence of systemic complications (anemia, neuropathy, etc.), and side effects of corticosteroids or immuno-suppressive agents. A convalescent period of at least 12 months is required before it can be reasonably determined whether the individual has reached a point of stable medical improvement.

D. Evaluate associated disorders and complications according to the appropriate body system listing.

6.01 Category of Impairments, Genito-urinary System

6.02 Impairment of renal function, due to any chronic renal disease expected to last 12 months (e.g., hypertensive vascular disease, chronic nephritis, nephrolithiasis, polycystic disease, bilateral hydronephrosis, etc.). With:

A. Chronic hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis necessitated by irreversible renal failure; or

B. Kidney transplant. Consider under a disability for 12 months following surgery; thereafter, evaluate the residual impairment (see 6.00C); or

C. Persistent elevation of serum creatinine to 4 mg. per deciliter (100 ml.) or greater or reduction of creatinine clearance to 20 ml. per minute (29 liters/24 hours) or less, over at least 3 months, with one of the following:

1. Renal osteodystrophy manifested by severe bone pain and appropriate radiographic abnormalities (e.g., osteitis fibrosa, marked osteoporosis, pathologic fractures); or

2. A clinical episode of pericarditis; or

3. Persistent motor or sensory neuropathy; or

4. Intractable pruritus; or

5. Persistent fluid overload syndrome resulting in diastolic hypertension (110 mm. or above) or signs of vascular congestion; or

6. Persistent anorexia with recent weight loss and current weight meeting the values in 5.08, table III or IV; or

7. Persistent hematocrits of 30 percent or less.

6.06 Nephrotic Syndrome, with significant anasarca, persistent for at least 3 months despite prescribed therapy. With:

A. Serum albumin of 3.0 gm. per deciliter (100 ml.) or less and proteinuria of 3.5 gm. per 24 hours or greater; or

B. Proteinuria of 10.0 gm. per 24 hours or greater.



























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DI 34126.003 - Genito-Urinary Listings from 01/06/86 – 05/23/02 - 04/15/2005
Batch run: 10/13/2023