TN 4 (03-07)

SI 00602.025 Appealing Abbreviated Application (ABAP) Denials

A. Procedure

1. Claimant Disagrees With Denial

Follow the procedures below when a claimant wants to appeal an ABAP decision:

  • Conduct a reconsideration per SI 04020.020; or

  • Consider whether to reopen and revise the initial determination per SI 04070.010 if the claimant is eligible; and

  • Complete a full SSA-8000-BK (Application for Supplemental Security Income).

2. Identify Full Application as “Supplemental”

Write "Supplemental" at the top when completing a supplemental SSA-8000-BK.

3. Systems Input

a. Paper Application

Transmit an SSA-450SI (SSI Data Input and Determination) after completing a full SSA-8000-BK.

b. MSSICS Application

Transmit the appeal request following the instructions in MSOM MSSICS 020.006.

B. References

  • Application for Supplemental Security Income, Form SSA-8000-BK, SI 00604.001

  • Requests for SSI Reconsideration, SI 04020.020

  • Application Date, SM 01005.030

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SI 00602.025 - Appealing Abbreviated Application (ABAP) Denials - 05/18/2011
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