TN 117 (12-23)

SI 00835.470 ISM and Households - Conversions

A. Introduction

Conversion is the procedure by which food or shelter costs are adjusted to reflect the true monthly value to an eligible individual or their household.

B. When to use conversion

Conversion is used when it is necessary to:

  • distinguish household costs from non-household costs (i.e., business or agricultural costs);

  • determine the household's share of costs when more than one household use certain shelter items;

  • account for arrearages;

  • change other-than-monthly costs to monthly amounts.

(Sections SI 00835.471 - SI 00835.474 provide instructions for doing these four types of conversions.)

Conversion is not necessary when it would have no effect on the LA/ ISM determination. For example, if sharing is established using higher, unconverted amounts, conversion is not required.

C. References

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Batch run: 12/13/2023