SI 02302.000 Continuing Benefits and Recipient Status Under Sections 1619(A) and 1619(B) for Individuals Who Work

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
SI 02302.001 Policy and Procedures Prior to July 1, 1987 TN 10 10-91
SI 02302.006 SSI Work Incentives - General TN 10 10-91
SI NY02302.006 Continuing Benefits - SSI Work Incentives
SI 02302.010 1619 Policy Principles TN 34 07-24
SI 02302.015 Section 1619 Related Policies TN 34 07-24
SI DEN02302.015 District Office Verification Of-Title XIX Services And Expenditures
SI 02302.030 Section 1619 Process and Procedures TN 34 07-24
SI 02302.040 The Medicaid Use Test for Section 1619(b) Eligibility TN 34 07-24
SI 02302.045 The Threshold Test for Section 1619(b) Eligibility TN 34 07-24
SI 02302.050 Individualized Threshold Calculation TN 34 07-24
SI CHI02302.050 Field Office Verification of Title XIX Services and Expenditures for Section 1619(b)
SI NY02302.050 Continuing Benefits - Individualized Threshold Calculation
SI 02302.060 Quarterly Verification of Earnings TN 14 09-95
SI 02302.200 Charted Threshold Amounts TN 32 01-24
SI 02302.300 Individualized Threshold Calculation Worksheet - Exhibit TN 11 09-92
SI 02302.310 List of Sample Notices - 1619 Benefits (Noninstitutional) TN 34 07-24
SI 02302.320 Sample Notices - 1611(e)(1)(E) Extended Payment Provisions (Institutionalized Recipients) TN 34 07-24

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SI 02302.000 - Continuing Benefits and Recipient Status Under Sections 1619(A) and 1619(B) for Individuals Who Work - Table of Contents - 07/02/2024
Batch run: 07/02/2024