Although UC RZs may be completed in MSSICS, there is no abridged path at this time.
Abridged UC profile RZs can only be completed on a paper RZ form. Under abridged procedures,
FOs ask 11 questions on the SSA–8203–BK (Statement for Determining Continuing Eligibility for Supplemental Security Income
Payments) which focus on the following areas when completing UC RZs:
Support and maintenance from inside and/or outside the household; and
NOTE: Third party liability, food stamp, leads for potential title II benefits and fugitive
felon questions are required during each FO completed RZ.
Other questions may be completed if circumstances indicate their completion would
be appropriate (e.g., unverified earnings are on the record).
Questions on the current, approved SSA–8203–BK must be completed when conducting abridged
UC RZs. No facsimiles are acceptable (e.g., do not use a “cut and paste” shortened
IMPORTANT: These instructions do not apply to any other RZ profile.