TN 22 (10-97)

SI 02310.005 Interface Operations and Related Issues

A. Introduction

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients (or their representative payees) are responsible for reporting any information which may affect their eligibility or payment amount. However, they do not always report necessary information timely. Therefore, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has established interfaces with Federal and State agencies whose records contain information which may affect SSI eligibility or payment amount. Field office (FO) personnel should report any suspected instances of program fraud. Follow procedures in GN 04110.000ff. for processing instructions.

B. Definitions

1. FO file

An FO file is the recipient's claim file, including posteligibility material.

2. FO record

An FO record is a document which is not part of the recipient's claim file (e.g., an SSA-250, annotated alert, or a record on the FO's personal computer).

C. Policy

1. Computer matching and Privacy Protection Act

a. Requirements of the law

The Privacy Act as amended by the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988 (CMPPA) (Public Law 100-503) requires that, before taking any adverse action against an individual based on information produced by a computer match, SSA must:

  • Independently verify all data obtained through the computer match; and

  • Give recipients advance notice of any adverse action resulting from the computer match.

EXCEPTION: Independent verification is not necessary when SSA's Data Integrity Board (DIB) has determined, in accordance with guidance issued by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), that the information is limited to identification and amount of benefits paid under a Federal benefit program and there is a high degree of confidence that the information provided to SSA is accurate.

The VA, RRB, and OPM matches meet these criteria (see SI 02310.020). The system automatically posts data, generates notices, and adjusts benefits when SSA matches with these agencies and the data SSA receives does not require additional development.

  1. b. 

    CMPPA rules for independent verification do not apply to interfaces with other files maintained by SSA: the master beneficiary record (MBR) and the master earnings file (MEF).

2. Coordinating alerts with redeterminations

Coordinate interface alerts with pending redeterminations or other posteligibility activities (e.g. continuing disability review, representative payee accounting). (See SI 02305.017C) Interface alerts (A5, 5B, 5H, K6, K7, U5, S2, D8, P5), with or without pending redeterminations, are the highest priority posteligibility workloads.

3. Nonpay cases

Do not develop adverse interface data if the current payment status is a nonpay, suspense (including payment status code E01), or terminated status code. Develop the issue when you initiate any development to reinstate the recipient's benefits.

4. Data pertaining to income of a deemor receiving Public Income Maintenance (PIM) payments

Do not develop interface alerts for income of a deemor who receives PIM payments unless the alert indicates that deeming should begin or end. For example, the V7 alert may mean that a VA pension (based on need) has terminated, and that deeming of other income must begin. See SI 01320.141.

5. Administrative finality

  1. a. 

    The 2-year rule for reopening a prior determination or decision applies to interfaces because the verified interface data constitute new and material evidence (SI 04070.010).

  2. b. 

    The date of the interface run is the date of affirmative action in writing (SI 04070.015). This date may appear on the interface alert as the run date.

  3. c. 

    If the date does not appear on the alert, use the date on the control list generated by the interface.

  4. d. 

    If the run date does not appear on the alert, and there is no control list, use the date in the transaction field of the SSR (e.g., Z4 for IRS alerts). (See SM 01601.730 for a list of other transaction codes.)

  5. e. 

    If the date no longer appears in the transaction field, use the date you received/requested the alert in the FO.

NOTE: See SI 04070.040B. regarding diligent pursuit. See SI 04070.020 regarding reopening based on fraud and similar fault. See SI 02305.094.B.2. regarding verifying periods outside Administrative Finality.

6. Failure to provide information

Attempt to verify information with the recipient. If the recipient does not respond to your requests for information, follow the instructions in SI 02301.235 before suspending a recipient's payments.

7. Penalties

When a recipient fails to report timely, follow the instructions in SI 02301.100 to determine whether to apply a penalty.

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SI 02310.005 - Interface Operations and Related Issues - 05/15/2007
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