In concurrent Title II and Title XVI denials, a single notice (SSA-L442-U3 Retirement,
Survivors, and Disability Insurance/Supplemental Security Income Notice of Disapproved
Claims) may be used if the basis for the denials is the same. In this situation, one
personalized explanation is prepared. If the basis for the denials is different, separate
Title II (SSA-L443-U3 Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Notice of Disapproved
Claim) and Title XVI (SSA-L444-U3 Supplemental Security Income Notice of Disapproved
Claim) notices are necessary.
The SSA-L442-U3 and the personalized explanation must be placed in the title II folder.
If possible, a copy of the SSA-L442-U3 and the personalized explanation should be
placed in the title XVI folder. If both notices will fit in one envelope, the DDS
can mail them in a title II envelope.