Program Operations Manual System (POMS)
Basic (05-11)
NL 00720.273 RCT Receipts and Reporting Responsibilities
(System Generated)
Caption: Things To Remember
(1) must promptly report any changes that may affect (2) benefits. Failure to do so could mean (3) may have to repay any benefits not due. Let us know if:
(4) went to work since (5) last report or (6) to work in the future; or
(7) already reported (8) work, but (9) duties or pay changed. (Remember to keep records of work and earnings such as pay
statements from the employer); or
(10) doctor says (11) condition has improved even if (12) to work now; or
(13) applied for, start getting or have a change in the amount of (14) workers compensation or another public disability benefit; or
(15) paying for work expenses related to (16) disability such as special transportation or the amount paid for these work expenses
changes or (17) no longer (18) for such expenses. (Remember to keep records and proof of payment for any work expenses.)
Fill-in Values:
Fill-in (1)
Choice 1: You
Choice 2: Beneficiary's name
Fill-in (2)
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: his
Choice 3: her
Fill-in (3)
Choice 1: you
Choice 2: he
Choice 3: she
Fill-in (4)
Choice 1: You
Choice 2: Beneficiary's name
Fill in (5)
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: his
Choice 3: her
Fill in (6)
Choice 1: you return
Choice 2: he returns
Choice 3: she returns
Fill in (7)
Choice 1: You
Choice 2: Beneficiary's name
Fill in (8)
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: his
Choice 3: her
Fill in (9)
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: his
Choice 3: her
Fill in (10)
Choice 1: You
Choice 2: Beneficiary's name
Fill in (11)
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: his
Choice 3: her
Fill in (12)
Choice 1: you return
Choice 2: he returns
Choice 3: she returns
Fill in (13)
Choice 1: You
Choice 2: Beneficiary's name
Fill in (14)
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: his
Choice 3: her
Fill in (15)
Choice 1: You start
Choice 2: He starts
Choice 3: She starts
Fill in (16)
Choice 1: your
Choice 2: his
Choice 3: her
Fill in (17)
Choice 1: you
Choice 2: he
Choice 3: she
Fill-in (18)
Choice 1: pay
Choice 2: pays