TN 3 (05-92)

NL 00803.100 The Notice of Overpayment - General

A. Policy

The Notice of Overpayment is the initial determination of an overpayment per SI 02201.005C.6.

B. Description

Overpayment notices are either:

  • Issued manually by the FO using preprinted snap-out type forms or on the Distributed Online Correspondence System (DOCS); or

  • System-generated through the Automated Overpayment Notice System (AONS).

C. When to use

Issue a manual Notice of Overpayment when:

  • You receive a case on an overpayment listing because the notice is excluded from AONS per SM 01310.305; or

  • You have suppressed the AONS notice per NL 00803.105.

D. Reference

FO responsibilities for systems input on manual notices - SM 01311.451.

To Link to this section - Use this URL:
NL 00803.100 - The Notice of Overpayment - General - 02/27/2003
Batch run: 11/13/2014