TN 8 (08-10)

RM 10210.250 Overview of Evidence of Age for an SSN Card

Information regarding evidence of age is organized as follows:



Overview of Evidence of Age for an SSN Card

RM 10210.250

Who Must Submit Evidence of Age for an SSN Card

RM 10210.255

Definitions for Evidence of Age for an SSN Card

RM 10210.260

Kinds of Documents that Establish Age for an SSN Card

RM 10210.265

Evaluation and Verification of Evidence of Age for an SSN Card

RM 10210.270

SSN Application for U.S. Born Person under Age One

RM 10210.275

U.S. Born Person Under Age One Needs SSN for Emergency Benefits or Services

RM 10210.280

SSN Application for U.S. Born Person Age One or Older

RM 10210.285

SSN Application for Foreign Born Person

RM 10210.290

Date of Birth Change on the Numident

RM 10210.295

Disposal of Documents SSA Obtains to Verify Age for SSN Applicants

RM 10210.300

Reviewing a Birth Certificate Birth Area Code

RM 10210.305

References for Evidence of Age for an SSN Card

RM 10210.310

Other and Novelty Birth Records

RM 10210.720

Section 7213(a)(1)(C) of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) of 2004 (Public Law 108-458), requires SSA to independently verify all documents submitted by U.S.-born individuals as evidence of age for an original SSN card, unless the request for an SSN is submitted through the Enumeration at Birth process. As a result, we must secure evidence of an individual’s date of birth or age and ensure the authenticity of the document submitted. This limits the age documents that we can accept as evidence of age for an original SSN card for a person born in the U.S. to those we can verify independently.

Although SSA verifies all immigration documents with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the IRTPA requirement does not affect procedures for collection or verification of documents submitted as proof of age for foreign-born applicants for SSNs.

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RM 10210.250 - Overview of Evidence of Age for an SSN Card - 08/05/2010
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