TN 1 (06-86)
Normally, a claims folder will be routed to another office by one of two forms: SSA-665,
SSA-559 or SSA-L-5032-U2.
If the claims folder is being transferred to another office due to a change of mailing
address and/or place of residence, Form SSA-665 will be prepared by the direct action
examiner once their review is completed.
If the claims folder is being transferred from one office to another for a reason
other than a change in mailing address and/or place of residence, Form
SSA-559 or SSA-L-5032-U2 can be used.
The instructions for the completion of these transmittal forms are in OS 15045.130,
OS 15045.110 and OS 15045.150.
NOTE: In the rare situation where two offices are each maintaining one of two folders that
have been cross-referred, and one of the two folders must be transferred to a third
office, care should be taken to notify the other office of the change in jurisdiction.