Advances in medical or vocational therapy or technology are improvements in treatment
or rehabilitative methods that have increased the individual’s ability to do basic
work activities.
In many instances, an advanced medical therapy or technology will result in a decrease
in severity as shown by symptoms, signs and laboratory findings; which will meet the
definition of medical improvement.
There are very limited situations in which an individual receives treatment or rehabilitative
methods through medical or vocational therapy or technology and does not exhibit medical
improvement (MI) or MI that is related to the ability to work. Therefore, this exception
will have very limited application and should be infrequently applied.
For more information regarding the comparison of signs, symptoms and laboratory findings,
see DI 28010.015, "Comparison of Symptoms, Signs, and Laboratory Findings."
For more information regarding MI and relating MI to the ability to work, see DI 28010.001, "Medical Improvement (MI)", and DI 28015.001, "Context and Scope - Relating MI to Ability to Work."