Example 1: Child, Subject to Deeming, Away at School
Tom Smith, a 14-year old eligible child, is temporarily absent from their parents'
home when Tom is away at school. Since Tom is subject to deeming from their parents,
the ISM received from the permanent living arrangement (parents' home) and from the
temporary living arrangement (school) is potentially countable. The claim specialist
(CS) determines that Tom does not get any ISM in their parents' home. However, Tom
receives food and shelter while at school and their parents do not pay for it. The
CS determines that this is countable ISM and establishes that it has a value in excess
of the PMV. ISM capped at the PMV amount is charged beginning with the month that
Tom starts living at school. Tom began living at school on 09/15/16. On the SSI claim
system, the CS inputs 09/15/16 on the Living Arrangement Change page (INTRANETSSI
010.016) to establish a living arrangement iteration to document the value of the
ISM only to the claimant. Using a date in September means that the SSI claim system
will charge ISM for September. On the In-Kind Support and Maintenance page (INTRANETSSI
010.015), the CS answers “yes” to the ISM question which reads “Does any person (not
living with you) or any agency pay for any of your food or shelter items or provide
you or your household (if applicable) with any food or shelter item (y/n):.” On the
In-Kind Support and Maintenance Source page (INTRANETSSI 010.015), the CS indicates
that the type of ISM is ISM only to the claimant and enters the actual value of the
ISM in the monthly value field.
When Tom returns home on 06/08/17, the CS will remove the ISM. Since Tom received ISM in June, the ISM will be removed
starting in July. The CS inputs 07/01/17 on the Living Arrangement Change page to
establish an iteration to delete the ISM as of July. CAUTION: If the CS inputs a June date on the Living Arrangement Change page, the SSI claim
system will not charge ISM in June, which would be incorrect.
Example 2: Eligible Individual Receives Gift of a House
Martha Jones, an eligible individual, lives with their 3 children in a home owned
by Martha's parents. On 12/15/16, Martha's parents deed the home to Martha as a gift.
The CS determines that the gift of the home is ISM only to the claimant and charges
the ISM in December (H type income capped at the PMV). On the SSI claim system, the
CS inputs 12/15 /16 on the Living Arrangement Change page to establish a living arrangement
iteration to count the ISM in December. The CS then establishes an iteration for January
by inputting 01/01/17 on the Living Arrangement Change page and showing no ISM in
January, since this gift of a house counts only in the month of December.