SI SF01801.300 Completing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Application – California – GetCalFresh Web Portal

A. Background

The California legislature signed Assembly Bill (AB) 1811 Sections 38-41 into law on June 27, 2018, which ended SSI cash-out in California on June 1, 2019. This will allow recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and/or State Supplementary Payment (SSP) to receive SNAP benefits if otherwise eligible. Prior to October 1, 2008, SNAP benefits were referred to as Food Stamps, and are known as CalFresh benefits in the State of California. Previously, SSI/SSP recipients in California were ineligible for SNAP benefits because the SSP included a ten dollar benefit for food assistance.

Beginning June 1, 2019, SSA technicians will complete CalFresh applications for SSI applicants and recipients who live in pure SSI households in California. As defined in SI 01801.005, a pure SSI household is one in which all household residents are either applying for or receiving SSI.

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS), in partnership with the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) created a GetCalFresh web portal application. The application allows SSA technicians to input SNAP applications electronically.

B. Overview of the GetCalFresh Web Portal

The GetCalFresh web portal is where SSA technicians will input a CalFresh application for SSI applicants or recipients who live in pure SSI households. Below is additional information about the web portal:

• SSA technicians can access the GetCalFresh web portal by entering the following URL in their web browser:

• Technicians will need a four-digit passcode to gain access to the GetCalFresh web portal. The passcode will be stored on the Center for Disability and Programs Support (CDPS) SNAP Sharepoint and updated quarterly.

• The GetCalFresh web portal is an external internet application and is not maintained by SSA. The application is maintained by CDSS and is located on their system.


SSA’s firewall may prevent technicians from accessing the GetCalFresh web portal if technicians click on the link from an email in Outlook. As a workaround, technicians can copy and paste the URL into their web browser or set it as an internet favorite.

C. What to do if the web portal is malfunctioning, SSA network systems are down, or if the applicant does not want to use the web portal to file for SNAP/CalFresh benefits

If the web portal is not functioning or the applicant or recipient does not want to use the web portal, the SSA technician will process the application by paper. Complete form CF 285 (Application for CalFresh Benefits). Refer to SI 01801.300 for detailed instructions.

For situations requiring paper SNAP applications, SSA technicians will complete both the CF 285 and the SSA-4233 (SSA Transmittal for SNAP Applications). Refer to SI 01801.310 for how to complete the SSA-4233. The SSA-4233 will be used as a coversheet for the CF 285 when faxing applications to the county SNAP office for processing. Refer to the SF CDPS SNAP SharePoint for county SNAP office fax numbers.

IMPORTANT: Fax the completed SSA-4233 along with any supporting documentation and the signed SNAP application to the county SNAP office within one federal workday after you receive a signed SNAP application.

For paper SNAP applications completed via telephone, SSA will mail the completed application to the applicant for signature. Do not tickle for the receipt of a signed SNAP application. Advise the applicant that they may return the SNAP application to SSA or take the SNAP application to the local county SNAP office for processing.

D. Field Office (FO)/Workload Support Unit (WSU)/Teleservice Center (TSC) Procedures

The following business procedure applies to both in-office and telephone interviews:

Step 1. During an SSI initial claim or redetermination (RZ), SSA technicians are required to ask the SNAP screening questions in the SSI Claims System path found in MS 08119.019, and shown below in step 2. Do not initiate an unscheduled RZ if an SSI recipient, who is not scheduled for an RZ, inquires about filing for SNAP benefits. Instead, complete a stand-alone post-eligibility (PE) event in the SSI Claims System and complete the SNAP screening questions on the Potential Eligibility for Other Benefit Leads - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program screen.

Step 2. If the SNAP screening questions show the individual resides in a pure SSI household and result in the individual answering "YES" to the question, "May I take your SNAP application today?", SSA is obligated to assist the applicant or recipient with completing a CalFresh application or recertification per SI 01801.005C.2.b.

  • If the applicant or recipient is not living in a pure SSI household, but wishes to apply for SNAP, refer them to the county SNAP office to apply or recertify for SNAP and stop here.

  • If the applicant is living in a pure SSI household, but answers "No" to the question "May I take your SNAP application today?", document the reason why the applicant chooses not to file for SNAP on an SSA-5002 (Report of Contact) or the RPOC screen in the SSI Claims System and stop here.

SNAP recipients are required to recertify their SNAP eligibility every 3 years. SSA employees will use the CF 285 (Application for CalFresh Benefits) for both initial SNAP application and SNAP recertification cases, whether it be on paper or electronic using the GetCalFresh web portal.

Below is a screenshot of the SNAP screening questions in the SSI Claims System:



Step 3. SSA technicians will complete the SSI initial claim, RZ, or stand-alone PE event using normal processing instructions. Once the SSI action is completed, the technician will proceed to Step 4.

Step 4. Upon completing the SSI initial claim, RZ, or stand-alone PE event, the SSA technician will do the following:

  • Open the GetCalFresh web portal by accessing the web link:

  • Go to the San Francisco Regional Office's CDPS SNAP SharePoint and obtain the four-digit passcode. Input the passcode where prompted into the GetCalFresh web portal.

The passcode is updated quarterly by CDSS. The passcode is published on the following SharePoint: SF CDPS SNAP SharePoint web portal (GetCalFresh passcodes).

Refer to Section C above for the procedure on what to do when the web portal is malfunctioning, SSA systems are down, or if the applicant does not want to use the GetCalFresh web portal to file for SNAP/CalFresh benefits.

If a paper application is completed as outlined in Section C above, stop here. If utilizing the GetCalFresh electronic application, proceed to step 5.

Step 5. Read the following required script, word-for-word, to the SNAP applicant:

You said that you want SSA to help you complete a SNAP application today. In California, SNAP is known as CalFresh. To fill out the SNAP/CalFresh application, I, an SSA technician, will enter information into the application tool. This is not a Social Security tool or website. The California Department of Social Services – not SSA – is responsible for the application tool and information provided on this application.

In order to help you complete the SNAP/CalFresh application, you will need to give me information that I will enter into the application tool, so that your local county office can review and process your application. Some of the information I will ask you about might be the same as what you gave me for your SSI claim. SSA will not keep any information that you provide for the SNAP/CalFresh application.

If you do not want SSA to help you complete the SNAP/CalFresh application online today, SSA will help you complete the SNAP/CalFresh application on paper. If you do not want SSA to assist you with completing a SNAP/CalFresh application, you may complete the application at on your own or we may refer you to a local county office.


If the applicant does not want to complete the SNAP/CalFresh application via the web portal, complete the SNAP/CalFresh application on paper. If the applicant does not want SSA to assist with completing a SNAP/CalFresh application, refer them to the county SNAP office, and stop here.

Step 6: Complete the GetCalFresh application using the web portal, ensuring all screens are answered completely. Technicians can refer to the GetCalFresh web portal User Guide for additional instructions. If the SNAP applicant is in the office, proceed to step 7a. If the SNAP applicant is on the telephone, proceed to step 7b.

Step 7.

a. Web portal In-Office Process

For in-office interviews, before signature, print the CalFresh information sheet and the privacy policy, located on page 5 of the information sheet, and hand both documents to the applicant. Instruct the applicant to read the Rights and Responsibilities section and the Privacy Policy. There is currently an English Regular Print Information Sheet (12 point font), and an English Large Print Information Sheet (18 point font). Links to the documents are stored on the Sharepoint, SF CDPS SNAP SharePoint.

Read the "legal stuff" script, word-for-word, to the SNAP applicant when it comes up in the GetCalFresh application path. If the SNAP applicant agrees to the "legal stuff" statements, check the "I agree" box and select continue. If the applicant does not agree with all of the "legal stuff" statements, stop the application process and direct the applicant to their local county CDSS office.

If the SNAP applicant agrees to the "legal stuff" statements and the Rights and Responsibilities and Privacy Act statements, read the following script, word-for-word, after the individual has reviewed the documents they have been handed and before the technician electronically signs the GetCalFresh application on the applicant's behalf.

Now that your application is complete, the next step is for me to electronically sign the application on your behalf. To do so, I will have to enter your name on the electronic application. Once I enter your name, it means that you agree that you want me to sign the application for you to apply for CalFresh, that you have been honest on this application, and that you understand the terms as I have read, or provided them to you. Do you want me to enter your name on your behalf and submit your application?


If the applicant does not agree with any of the statements that we need for them to apply, stop the application process and direct the applicant to their local county CDSS.

b. Web Portal Teleclaim Process

For telephone interviews, before signature, technicians will do the following:

  • Ask the SNAP/GetCalFresh applicant if they have a computer or smartphone with internet access. If the applicant responds “YES,” the technician will direct the applicant to the CalFresh Information Sheet URL, at, to read the Rights and Responsibilities and privacy policy. The privacy policy can also be found here:

    • For the applicant’s convenience, technicians may advise the applicant that the Rights and Responsibilities are located on pages 3 and 4 and the privacy policy is located on page 5 on the information sheet.

  • Ask the applicant if they have read the Rights and Responsibilities and privacy policy.

    • If the applicant responds that they have read the Rights and Responsibilities and the privacy policy, the SSA technician is not required to read these to the applicant.

  • If the applicant does not have a computer or smartphone or is unable to independently read the information sheet and privacy policy, the SSA technician is required to read the Rights and Responsibilities and privacy policy word-for-word to the applicant.


If the URL for the CalFresh information sheet or if the privacy policy URL is unavailable for viewing (i.e., the URLs are down), the technician must read the Rights and Responsibilities and privacy policy word-for-word to the applicant using the San Francisco Regional Office's CDPS SNAP SharePoint. Contact CDSS after completing this action to advise of the issue.

Read the "legal stuff" script, word-for-word, to the SNAP applicant when it comes up in the GetCalFresh application path. If the SNAP applicant agrees to the "legal stuff" statement, check the "I agree" box and select continue. If the applicant does not agree with all of the "legal stuff" statements, stop the application process and direct the applicant to their local county CDSS office.

If the SNAP applicant agrees to the "legal stuff" statements and the Rights and Responsibilities and Privacy Act statements, read the following script, word-for-word, after the individual has reviewed and read the documents, or had read to them, and before the technician electronically signs the GetCalFresh application on the applicant's behalf.

Now that your application is complete, the next step is for me to electronically sign the application on your behalf. To do so, I will have to enter your name on the electronic application. Once I enter your name, it means that you agree that you want me to sign the application for you to apply for CalFresh, that you have been honest on this application, and that you understand the terms as I have read, or provided them, to you. Do you want me to enter your name on your behalf and submit your application?


If the applicant does not agree with any of the statements that we need for them to apply, stop the application process and direct the applicant to their local county CDSS.

Step 8. After the technician electronically submits the GetCalFresh application, the CalFresh applicant will receive confirmation of their CalFresh application via text message or email, according to the applicant’s preference.

Step 9 (FO technicians only) If a SNAP application was taken after completing the interview, the technician will update the Visitor Intake Process (VIPr) topic to the Special Studies subcategory of “CA SNAP - CalFresh” to capture the interview issue within VIPr.

E. References:

  • SI 01801.005 Overview of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Benefits

  • SI 01801.300 Completing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Application

  • SI 01801.310 How to Complete Form SSA-4233, Social Security Administration Transmittal for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Applications

  • MS 08119.019 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

  • GetCalFresh Web Portal User Guide



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