Will, who was age 65 in 4/95, did not enroll in SMI until 3/97. Will was assessed
a 10% premium surcharge when SMI became effective in 7/97. Will also enrolled in an
MMCP in 7/97. Will terminated the MMCP enrollment effective with 12/31/98 and enrolled
in during the 1999 GEP. Will's Premium-HI premium was increased by 10%, payable for
6 years because there were 44 months (3 full years) that elapsed between the end of
Will's IEP and the GEP from (8/95-3/99)
In 6/00, the claimant applied for a premium surcharge rollback because of their enrollment
in the MMCP. The claimant Premium-HI surcharge remains at 10 percent, but the period
of time for which it is payable is reduced to 4 years. The 18 months from 7/97 through
12 /98, during which the claimant was enrolled in an MMCP, were subtracted from the
44 months that elapsed after their IEP and through the end of the 1999 GEP, leaving
26 chargeable months (2 full years, instead of 3 full years).