TN 47 (08-22)

GN 02403.050 Unverified Alert Process -- Remittances

A. Introduction - unverified alert process

The field office (FO) remittance supervisor should ensure that the Field Office Remittance Transmittal (FORT) and Credit Card Field Office Remittance Transmittal (CCFORT) and the day's remittances are sent to the Mid-Atlantic Program Service Center (MATPSC) on a daily basis. If the day’s FORT and remittances cannot be mailed the same day that the FORT is produced, they should be secured and mailed the next business day. MATPSC will review each FORT and CCFORT and compare the data with the attached remittances, verifying that the totals shown on the FORT and CCFORT agree with the sum of the money amounts shown on the remittances/coupons.

B. Process - MATPSC

The following occurs when the FORT/CCFORT and remittances are sent to MATPSC.

  • Each FORT/CCFORT is reviewed in the MATPSC. Since the Remittance Supervisor has already checked the remittance against the FORT/CCFORT, MATPSC should be able to verify the FORT/CCFORT without encountering discrepancies. However, when there is a discrepancy, such as no money amount shown on a check, or a check is missing, further action will be necessary.

C. Process - FO

The FO must monitor their DMS Remittance Listing to identify FO remittances that are not verified within 60 days. A remittance is unverified if the MATPSC has not processed the remittance and the Debt Management System (DMS) remittance status remains unverified. DMS Remittance Listing are available through OPWiz on the OQA toolbar.

D. Procedure - FO

Upon receipt of the DMS Receipt Alert Listing, the FO should complete steps 1 - 5 below before contacting the MATPSC RAU. The remittance unit should not be contacted unless an image of the check is necessary to clear the unverified alert. In most cases the FO can resolve the alert through queries:

NOTE: Be sure to document the FO investigation using the Remittance ID field of the Correct Field Office Receipt (RCFR) screen (Managers should use the Manager Correct/Delete FO Receipt (RMCR) screen) or the DMS Remarks screen if additional space is necessary, so there is a record of what the FO has done to resolve the discrepancy. For example, if the alerted remittance was processed and/or posted to ROAR or the SSR, enter the following information:

  • Block and item number from the remittance file query display; or

  • The date posted to ROAR from the history field for TC 31; or

  • The date posted to the OPDR field with a TR 1 of HU or HUU.

If none of the above apply, record that lost check procedures were implemented or other action taken and date. The RMKI screen can be used to enter remarks about the action taken.

  1. 1. 

    Query the receipt numbers contained on the Unverified Listing by entering the Receipt Number on the Receipt File Query request screen (RCFR). This screen shows what the FO input into DMS. Print the queries for later reference.

    Look at the check number entered for the remittance. Does the check number begin with 4 digits that represent a Regional Finance Center? The remittance could have been a returned benefit check (REASON = B) incorrectly entered as a regular remittance (REASON = O). These remittances should have been forwarded to Treasury for processing, not to MATPSC, see GN 02401.001.

    If the check was an unendorsed returned benefit check, then go to step 8 to clear the unverified alert. If the check was misdirected to MATPSC, they will have forwarded the check to Treasury. Otherwise, go to Step 2.

  2. 2. 

    If it can be verified that the remittance was processed by reviewing REQD and posted to the correct record(s) by reviewing the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR)/ROAR and/or Supplemental Security Record (SSR), then go to Step 8 to clear the unverified alert.

    Otherwise, go to Step 3.

  3. 3. 

    Query some of the other receipts input on the same Julian date using REQR. You can locate other receipts input on the same day by using RFQR and querying by FO code and date. (See MS 01104.003, C and D for more information.) If other items were processed and verified by MATPSC, did their Remittance Amounts match those keyed on the Receipt File (RCFR)? It is possible that the unverified receipt's remittance was deposited but was accidentally included as part of another remittance transaction.

    If none of the receipts input on that day were verified by MATPSC, then go to Step 9 to begin Lost in Transit procedures (GN 02403.155).

    If the investigation concludes that the remittance was processed but was credited to the wrong account according to the MBR/ROAR, RECOOP and /or SSR, then go to Step 7 to instruct the jurisdictional Program Service Center (PSC) to take corrective action.

    NOTE: Review all available SSRs. Occasionally, remittances are credited to a prior terminated SSR (i.e., Record 3 of 5 - 3X5) instead of the most current SSR. When this happens, a technician will need to adjust the records (i.e., Create a manual OP on the SSR where the remittance is credited to eliminate the B4 underpayment dairy and post an N TAC on the most current SSR equal to the amount of the remittance).

    If you can verify that the remittance was processed by reviewing REQR and posted to the correct record(s) by reviewing the MBR/ROAR, RECOOP and /or SSR, then go to Step 8 to clear the unverified alert.

    Otherwise, go to Step 4.

  4. 4. 

    Query the Receipt File using RFQR to determine the Number of Accounts originally input. It is possible that the Number of Accounts as input by the FO is different than that keyed by MATPSC. This could happen if one or more of the FO coupons was misplaced or lost either in the FO or once it arrived in MATPSC. This could mean that MATPSC credited the remittance to only one account rather than dividing it among multiple accounts.

    If you find that the remittance was not credited to all of original accounts, then go to Step 7 and instruct the jurisdictional PSC to take corrective action on the accounts that were not credited and to reduce the balance of the account that received credit for the whole remittance.

    If it is verified that the remittance was processed by reviewing REQR and posted to the correct records by reviewing MBR/ROAR, RECOOP and /or SSR, then go to Step 8 to clear the unverified alert.

    Otherwise, go to Step 5.

  5. 5. 

    Determine if the remittance was suspended. Query the Remittance File again by SSN, Name, and receipt Number using the Remittance File Query Request screen (REQR). (See MS 01103.023) If the Process code is “S” then the remittance was suspended; i.e., the remittance is on the Suspense File. If the remittance was suspended, it was not posted to the programmatic record, and it will not be shown on the Unverified Field Office Receipt Alert Listing unless it was received with an incorrect receipt number.

    If the remittance is found on the Suspense File, then go to Step 8 to clear the unverified alert, if necessary. The alert can be cleared even though the PSC has not yet removed the item from the Suspense File.

    Also, contact MATPSC with the receipt information so that they can take action to remove/correct the remittance from the Suspense File, see GN 02403.050E.

    Otherwise, go to Step 6.

  6. 6. 

    Query the MBR/ROAR or SSR or RECOOP (as appropriate) to determine if the remittance was posted. The remittance could have been posted manually by the PSC.

    If the remittance was posted to the correct account, then go to Step 8 to clear the unverified alert.

    Otherwise, go to Step 9 to begin the Lost in Transit procedures (See GN 02403.155).

  7. 7. 

    Query the MBR, ROAR, RECOOP and/or SSID to determine exactly what happened to the remittance.

    If you can determine there was an error processing the remittance, then contact the jurisdictional PSC's Debt Management Section through Modernized Development Worksheet (MDW) to request corrective action be taken to manually post the remittance(s) and correct the balance of the account(s) that incorrectly received credit for the remittance. (See GN 01070.420 and MS 03901.001).

    NOTE: PC7 does not have a DMS unit. Use DOORS to search by Social Security Number (SSN) to find the PSC of jurisdiction.

    If the original account number entered on RFOR is found to be incorrect and does not match an existing record on ROAR or the SSR, then the remittance transaction will have created a remittance exception to MATPSC. For these items, contact the MATPSC Debt Management section rather than jurisdictional PSC.

    Form SSA-666, Adjustment in Trust Fund Accounts, will also need to be prepared by the jurisdictional PSC if the error involved a combination of Title II and Title XVI accounts.

    Go to Step 8

  8. 8. 

    Mark the receipt as verified by the FO Manager through an input to the Manager Clear Unverified FO Receipt (RMUR). (See MS 01104.012). There is no need to keep documentation of the investigation.

    Once the receipt is marked as verified through RMUR, the receipt will no longer appear on the Unverified FO Receipt Alert Listing.

  9. 9. 

    If the remittance is not found by any of the above steps, the FO should start Lost in Transit Procedures to determine if the check was ever negotiated. (See GN 02403.155.)

E. MATPSC contacts

In most cases, the FO should be able to resolve an Unverified Alert through the use of queries. MATPSC will only be able to help if you require an image of the check to resolve the alert. Also, remember that MATPSC can only help with remittances that have been negotiated and have an RCN that begins with a 2 or 7. Also use the following instructions to contact MATPSC when the remittance is found on the Suspense File and needs to be removed, as well as when a remittance exception is found which requires correction.

Send an e-mail request to ^PH PA MATPSC Unverified Alerts. When making a request, give include the following information:

  • Account Number (SSN),

  • Receipt Number,

  • Amount of the remittance, and

  • The date the FO entered the remittance into DMS

MATPSC will typically respond timely to management by email. If unable to resolve the problem immediately, MATPSC will prepare a PCACS ACR (Action Control Record) with the TOELs of OPMT REMIT and the location of PC2 DMS CSC PROC. This will let you know that the problem has been received and is in process. If MATPSC does not respond after two weeks, the problem is not resolved, and the ACR has been cleared, have the technician re-contact MATPSC's Debt Management Section via e-mail; clearly identify the contact as a first follow-up.

If after another week the MATPSC still does not respond, have the technician's manager contact MATPSC's Remittance Unit manager at the number found in DOORS. This should rarely be necessary.

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