TN 48 (05-24)

GN 02401.902 Nonreceipt Alleged Timely and Check in Limited Payability Status

A. Procedure for nonreceipt allegations filed timely but not processed

Occasionally, situations arise where a beneficiary or recipient filed nonreceipt in a timely manner (i.e., within 12 months from the check’s issue date) but the nonreceipt claims process did not start. These situations may occur when a beneficiary or recipient alleged nonreceipt timely but the technician failed to input the nonreceipt into the SSA system or input an incorrect stop code.

EXAMPLE: A beneficiary or recipient follows up on the status of their initial nonreceipt claim and SSA records show a photocopy request (K-stop) was input instead of a nonreceipt (B-stop or C-stop).

See details:

GN 02406.140 Photocopy Requests

B. Procedure for nonreceipt allegations filed timely but check is in limited payability status

If the beneficiary or recipient alleges nonreceipt in a timely manner, SSA does not have to wait 13 months from the issue date of the check before taking actions to reconcile the issue. If the beneficiary or recipient is following up on their initial timely nonreceipt claim at any point after 12 months from the check’s issue date, take the following actions to determine the status of the check in question:

  • If the check is uncashed and is due, replace it immediately,

  • If the check is cashed, and SSA finds verification of a timely nonreceipt request on SSA's record, replace it immediately without the need for a handwriting analysis.

See GN 02401.903 for instructions on allegations of nonreceipt that are not filed timely and GN 02401.910 for instructions on handwriting analysis when it is needed for a limited payability case.

C. Procedure for verifying posting of a limited payability credit on SSA’s record

Treasury sends SSA a limited payability credit when they have no record that the beneficiary or recipient cashed the check. SSA then posts the credit to the record. When a beneficiary or recipient indicates that they have not received the check, the technician will verify the posting of the limited payability (LP) credit.

For instructions on how to proceed when credits are involved, see details in this subsection.

NOTE: A LP credit can only post to an SSA record at least 13 months after the check’s issue date.

See details:

  • GN 02401.901.C Limited Payability (LP) Policy for Title II and Title XVI

  • GN 02401.902.D Nonreceipt Alleged Timely and Check in Limited Payability Status

  • GN 02401.903.D Allegations of Nonreceipt Not Timely Filed

D. Procedure for verifying the timely allegation of nonreceipt

The technician should take the following steps to verify the timely allegation of nonreceipt:

1. Analyze the beneficiary or recipient records

Analyze the Payment History Update System (PHUS) for Title II or the Modernized Supplemental Security Income Claims System (MSSICS) / Consolidated Claims Experience (CCE), Treasury Status Query, and Supplemental Security Income Detail (SSID) record for Title XVI to determine if the technician input a K-stop, L-stop, or M-stop in a timely manner for the check in question. For a description of the Treasury status query, see MS 00303.020.

2. Review any additional resources

Research other resources for an indication of a timely nonreceipt allegation, such as the:

  • Modernized Development Worksheet (MDW);

  • Special Message Field;

  • Remarks field;

  • Visitor Intake Process (VIP);

  • Electronic View (Eview) folder;

  • Development worksheets and development notes;

  • Evidence Portal;

  • WorkTrack;

  • Workload Action Center (WAC);

  • Claims File User Interface (CFUI); or

  • Any paper files.

3. Review of record indicates allegation of timely nonreceipt

If there is an indication of a timely nonreceipt allegation after review of the record, SSA will immediately repay the check following instructions in GN 02401.902.E.

Do not request a handwriting analysis from the Question Document Branch (QDB) at Treasury. A handwriting analysis is only required when a nonreceipt was not filed timely and the check in question is part of an overpayment on the record, see GN 02401.910. Take the following actions to determine the status of the check:

  • If the check is uncashed, AND 13 months have passed since the check’s issue date, access the TCIS to determine status of LP credit.

  • If information is not available on TCIS, contact Treasury at (855)-868-0151 to determine why SSA did not receive the LP credit.

  • After the LP credit posts to the record, follow GN 02401.903D (title II) and GN 02401.903E (title XVI) for additional processing.

  • If the check was negotiated, the nonreceipt request was timely, 13 months have passed since the check’s issue date, AND SSA did not process the nonreceipt timely, determine if the beneficiary/recipient needs to be made whole. There will not be a limited payability credit available, as the check was cashed. Follow GN 02401.903D (Title II) and GN 02401.903E (Title XVI) for overpayments on the record that fall into this scenario.

4. No indication of timely nonreceipt allegation

If there is no indication of a timely nonreceipt allegation in SSA’s records, treat the nonreceipt allegation as one not filed timely. For instructions on how to handle allegations of nonreceipt not timely filed see GN 02401.903.

E. Timely allegation of nonreceipt when an overpayment is on the record

1. Procedure on how to repay the check if the check is not part of an existing overpayment on the record

If the LP check will be replaced because the timely nonreceipt allegation was not input or an incorrect stop code was input and the check is not part of an existing overpayment on the record, we will reissue the check following the process shown below.

a. Field Office (FO) processing:

  1. 1. 

    Title II cases:

    Sende a MDW to the PC of jurisdiction for processing.

  2. 2. 

    Title XVI cases:

    1. a. 

      If there is an LP credit on the SSR for the check, repay the check following instructions in GN 02401.903.E.

    2. b. 

      If there is no LP credit on the SSR, repay the check via Automatic One-Time Payment (A-TOP) via MSSICS Direct SSR Update, see MS 00303.007, MS 00303.002. Use the original payment date of the check. When preparing the A-TOP, input an NT-TAC on the resulting overpayment;

    3. c. 

      Annotate the REMARKS field on the Supplemental Security Record (SSR) with "LimPay Case; N/R for MOP MM/YYYY Timely Filed with wrong code or not input; replacement paid via A-TOP;" and,

    4. d. 

      Send a notice to the beneficiary, recipient, or representative payee with the explanation of when they will receive the payment due per NL 03001.025.

b. Processing Center (PC) Processing

  1. 1. 

    Title XVI Cases:

    Route case to FO for processing via MDW. FO will process using instructions in per GN 02401.902E.

  2. 2. 

    Title II Cases:

    1. a. 

      Reissue the check via Single Payment System (SPS) or MACADE, with the date of COM. For either method, add a corresponding PHUS 170 Event with an ETD of COM;

    2. b. 

      Annotate the special message (SPC MSG) field on the Master Beneficiary Record (MBR) "LimPay case; N/R for MOP MM/YYYY Timely Filed with wrong code or not input; replacement paid via SPS or MACADE;" and.

    3. c. 

      Send a notice to the beneficiary, recipient, or representative payee with the explanation of when they will receive the payment due per NL 03001.025.

2. Procedure on how to apply the check if it is part of an existing overpayment on the record

If the LP check is still due because the nonreceipt request was timely, but the technician failed to make the input or an incorrect stop code was input and the check is part of an existing overpayment on the record, follow the instructions below.

a. Check is part of an existing overpayment

If the technician determines the check is part of an existing overpayment on the record:

  1. 1. 

    Reduce or recover the overpayment on the record;

  2. 2. 

    Annotate the SP MSG for Title II or REMARKS field for Title XVI with "Limited Payability Check MM/DD/YYYY used to reduce or recover O/P; and

  3. 3. 

    Send a manual notice with the explanation of how we used the payment to reduce or recover the overpayment.

    NOTE: Do not submit this case for a handwriting analysis because the beneficiary, recipient, or representative payee reported the nonreceipt of payment timely.

b. Check is not due

If the check is not due and an overpayment is on the record, follow overpayment procedures found in GN 02201.000.

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GN 02401.902 - Nonreceipt Alleged Timely and Check in Limited Payability Status - 05/28/2024
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