Because the death indicator on record may be an indication that the person requesting
the Social Security Statement is not the true SSN holder, we cannot tell the requester about it in our correspondence.
The Form SSA-7014D instead informs the requester that we need more information to
be sure that we have identified the correct record.
We advise the requester to call SSA’s toll-free 800 number to provide the additional
information. We provide a mailing address for persons living outside the United States
who do not have access to the 800 number.
If the SSN holder is dead and the request was made by a survivor seeking a benefit estimate, MBR information
should be used to provide that estimate if a PIA was established at the time of the
SSN holder"s death. If no PIA was previously established, see MSOM ICF 001.001-1 and
MSOM ICFT2 023.001-1 for instructions on using interactive computations to estimate
the survivor benefits.
If the requester was seeking earnings information, see SM 00345.900 and SM 00344.001 for instructions on use of the summary earnings
query (SEQY) and detail earnings query (DEQY).