TN 3 (03-01)

RM 01361.005 Address Record (PL2)

The information in this section is not applicable while mailing of the Social Security Statement is suspended. See information on accessing earnings information using the MySocialSecurity web portal in OA 00205.010.

A. Introduction

The mailing address is the last information to be keyed.

B. Description of PL2 Address

There are three lines available to key the name of the addressee and/or organization and one line to key the city and state.

A maximum of 30 characters is permitted on each of the first three lines and 21 characters on the last line.

The 31st position on each of the three lines, is reserved for a system-generated comma (,) to delimit the end of the line. The comma appears on the output file and does not appear on the screen. The comma (,) is generated when the ENTER key is depressed.

The 22nd position of the last line is reserved for a system-generated period (.) to delimit the end of the field. The period appears on the output file and does not appear on the screen. The period (.) is generated when the ENTER key is depressed. The system does not allow data to be entered in this position. An error message will indicate an invalid entry.

The comma (,) and period (.) help the main system, Generalized Earnings Statement System (GESS) determine how the address should be formatted on the output form.

1. Addressee's Name

This is a 111-position field. Line 1, 30 position field 126 – 155), line 2, 30 position field (156 – 185), line 3, 30 position field (186 – 215) and line 4, 21 position field (216 – 236.) This field is automatically skipped.

a. Keying Each Field in PL2

If the addressee's name is not provided or the number holder's name is the same, do not key the number holder's name.

The GESS system will automatically provide the number holder's name (NH) in the “AD” field.

If the request is considered a “third party” request e.g. is being mailed to someone other than the number holder, the GESS system will automatically enter the number holder's name in the “AD” field. Key C/O the person or organization to whom the information is being sent on line one of the mailing address.

b. Examples - Surname is Different from “NH” Line

There are times the requester uses a different surname in the mailing address field on the request, e.g., because of a recent marriage. In this case, if the surname is different from the "NH" line, key the name shown on address line 1. See the following examples:

Example 1:

Item 1 “NH” - Sharon Jaslow

Mailing Address - Sharon Smith

Do not key Sharon Smith on address line 1 of the mailing address.

Note: The GESS system will automatically generate Sharon Jaslow in the mailing address.

Example 2:

Item 1 “NH” - Margie J Walker

Mailing Address line 1 - Jean Walker

Do not key the name – The GESS system will automatically generate Margie J Walker in the mailing address. Jean is her middle name.

Example 3:

NH line - Frank Robert J Bauman

Mailing address line 1 - R J Bauman

Do not key the name – The GESS system will automatically generate Frank Robert Bauman in the mailing address.

Example 4:

NH line- Jose Rodriquez-Diaz

Mailing address line 1 - Jose Rodriquez or Jose Diaz

Do not key the name – The GESS system will automatically generate Jose Rodriques Diaz in the mailing address.

2. Mailing Address (AD)

This is a 111-position field (126 – 236).

a. Full Address is Given

Enter the street number, name (route number, post office box number, etc.) city and state to which the requested information is to be mailed. If a slash (/), hyphen (-) and/or ampersand (&) are shown in the address, key as shown. Do not enter periods (.) or commas (,). Enter the data as if you were addressing a letter.

CAUTION: Modify the mailing address when necessary to remain within the 30 character limitation per line. Always use the state abbreviation. See RM 01361.120 for special instructions for keying the address field.

b. Full Address Not Given

Use “Direct Contact” procedures to contact the number holder. Destroy the request if unable to contact the number holder.

NOTE: It is no longer necessary to key the city and state when a Zip Code is available. If a Zip Code is not available, the city and state must be keyed.

See RM 01361.120 for special instructions for keying the AD field.

3. ZIP Code (ZP)

This is a 9-position field (237 - 245).

NOTE: The field will accept a 5-digit or 9-digit Zip Code.

a. City, State and Zip Code Are Available

Depress the “Enter” key for the city and state fields and key the Zip Code. The system will automatically generate the city and state into their supplied fields.

b. City , State Available-Zip Code Not Available

Key the city and state in their supplied fields and depress the “F2” key after keying the street address. Key the city and state on address line 4 in position 216 through 236. After keying the city and state, depress the “Enter” key to zero-fill the Zip Code field. The contractor will insert the Zip Code into the mailing address.

c. Mailing Address is Foreign

The city and country must be keyed on two separate lines.

  • Example 1:

11 Rue Morte Rd.

PB1234QR Paris, France

Key: AD1 11 Rue Morte Rd.

AD2 Paris PB123QR

AD3 France

  • Example 2:

DPT 1422

1122 Avenida Nueva Providencia

Santiago, Chile

Key: AD1 DPT 1422

AD2 1122 Avenida Nueva Providencia

AD3 Santiago

AD4 Chile

d. Mailing Address On Form SSA-7004 is for the Consuldo Americano, Dominican Republic

Key the 10-digit case number shown on the request. Do not key the initials IV before the 10 digits. The IV is automatically generated.

NOTE: IV is the abbreviation for Immigration Visa. If a 10-digit case number is not available on the SSA-7004, key 10 zeroes.

e. System Identifies That a 10- Digit Case Number Has Been Keyed

When the system identifies that a 10-digit case number has been keyed, the following information will automatically generate into AD1, AD2, AD3 and AD4:

  • AD1-case number if present

  • AD2-American Consulate

  • AD3-3470 Santo Domingo Pl

If the mailing address on AD1 shows a case number and the country is other than the Dominican Republic, e.g. Haiti, Key IV plus the case number and the entire address. Abbreviate when necessary.

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RM 01361.005 - Address Record (PL2) - 02/10/2012
Batch run: 03/29/2017