The resident office is the office responsible for completion of the earnings issue.
Prior to IC the resident office is the office which serves the NH's current address.
A transfer of the case to another office can only be made if the NH initiates the
investigation and then moves to another service area.
However, with IC, the office responsible for correcting the ER is no longer limited
to the office servicing the NH's current address. Generally, in IC, the office of
the initial contact (phone, written or walk-in) may initiate and develop the earnings
issue. This may be the TSC, (in limited circumstances), OEIO, DEBS, FO or PSC.
If the case is being transferred from one office to another use the Earnings Control
Transfer (ETRN) screen in IC (MSOM EM 031.001).
NOTE: In scrambled earnings situations, under IC, only one office may have jurisdiction
and control of the earnings issue. (RM 03870.045)