Internet Social Security Number Replacement Card (iSSNRC) is a secure automated Social
Security Number (SSN) application process, which allows members of the public who
meet certain criteria to apply for a no change SSN replacement card or last name change
replacement SSN card due to marriage electronically. As part of the online application,
the Social Security Administration (SSA) compares an applicant’s SSN against SSA sources
and non-SSA sources, commonly referred to as internal (i.e., SSA) and external (i.e.,
non-SSA) sources of information. We compare an applicant’s SSN and biographical data
(e.g., name, date of birth) submitted with the online application to the Numberholder’s
Numident record. In addition, SSA verifies applicant information with external (non-SSA)
data sources. For example, we verify the applicant’s U.S. issued driver’s license,
state issued Identification card, or marriage data with the issuing state of record.