Although the FO cannot issue a replacement card, you may correct the Numident if the
alien provides documentation supporting the change (e.g., a name change).
If the alien provides documentation supporting the change, process the replacement
card application to update the Numident information but suppress the issuance of a
Answer “yes” to the "Suppress card issuance" question on the SSNAP Additional Information
screen and record the nonwork reason documentation on the SSNAP Proof of Legal Alien
Status screen.
Provide written notice, using Form SSA-L676, to explain that we cannot issue a replacement
card because the applicant did not present appropriate authorization permitting them
to work in the U.S. and they have not provided evidence of a valid nonwork reason
for an SSN.
For information on providing written notice and a second review when the FO cannot
assign an SSN or issue an SSN card, see RM 10215.110.