GN 03340.000 Access to SSA Records

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
GN 03340.001 Policy on Access to SSA Records Under the Privacy Act TN 15 11-23
GN 03340.010 Processing Access Requests for SSA Records TN 20 08-24
GN 03340.020 Access Rights of a Minor TN 11 09-20
GN 03340.025 Access Rights of a Parent TN 7 04-19
GN 03340.030 Access Rights of an Incompetent Adult TN 18 03-24
GN 03340.035 Access to Medical Records TN 13 10-21
GN 03340.045 Pledges of Confidentiality TN 7 04-19
GN 03340.050 Access to Records in Exempt Systems of Records TN 7 04-19
GN 03340.055 Number Holder's (NH) Access Rights to Records Concerning Others TN 15 11-23
GN 03340.065 Access to Evidential Records in the Office of Hearing Operations (OHO) TN 19 04-24
GN 03340.070 Special Messages on the MBR and SSR Prohibiting Access and Disclosure TN 7 04-19
GN 03340.075 Access Request Denials and Privacy Act Appeals TN 7 04-19

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