To establish the child's biological relationship to the NH, obtain the child's Numident
record meeting the criteria in this subsection or the child's birth certificate (BC),
statements from the parent(s), and additional evidence as needed.
You may accept the child's Numident record to support a determination that the NH
is the child's biological parent if the Numident:
includes an iteration that shows a "6" in the form code (FMC) field of the INTERNAL
line, indicating an Enumeration at Birth (EAB) record;
shows the NH's name in the mother's name at birth (MNA) or father's name (FNA) field
of the EAB record, setting aside minor discrepancies as described in GN 00203.020A.2.C
and taking into consideration any other names the alleged parent may have used;
does not show a name other than the NH's in the same field (MNA or FNA) in iterations
following EAB; and
if the NH is deceased, shows the EAB record was established prior to the NH's death.
If there is no Numident record meeting this criteria, obtain the child's birth certificate
In life cases, unless there is evidence to the contrary (see GN 00306.125B.1.b), accept the child's BC as evidence of the child's biological relationship to the
NH if it shows the NH as the child's parent or the space for the parent's name is
blank. A BC that does not identify the child's parents, including one submitted because
State law does not allow issuance of a full BC, is not in itself evidence to the contrary.
In death cases, unless there is evidence to the contrary (see GN 00306.125B.1.b), accept the child's BC as evidence of the child's biological relationship to the
NH if it shows the NH as parent. Develop other evidence as in GN 00306.125B.1.b if the BC cannot be found, it shows that the birth was registered after the NH's
death, or it does not show the NH as parent.
In addition, obtain the following statement(s), preferably on Form SSA-2519 Child
Relationship Statement:
NH's statement that he or she is the child's parent (if he or she is not the applicant
for the child), or, if the NH is deceased or “whereabouts unknown,” additional evidence
per GN 00306.125B.1.b; and
second parent's statement as to maternity or paternity (if he or she is not the applicant).
This information would ordinarily be sufficient to establish the parent-child relationship
in the absence of evidence to the contrary. For information on when obtaining additional
evidence is necessary, see GN 00306.125B.1.b.