The SSN card is the only official verification of an SSN. However, the SSN Printout
can be used to verify an SSN. The SSN Printout, also called a “Numi-lite,” was developed
to guard against unnecessary disclosures of the personal information contained on
the Numident. The Printout displays the name of the individual and the SSN assigned
to that individual. The issuing FO stamps and signs the Printout before giving it
to the requester. If the NH cannot provide sufficient evidence to obtain an SSN card
because the evidence was lost or destroyed in a disaster, offer the SSN Printout as
an alternative. When it may be appropriate to provide the SSN Printout and the NH
cannot provide sufficient identifying evidence, see the processing instructions in
GN 03340.015, which provides policy on alternative identity verification criteria
by a NH for access purposes.
Third-party requests for SSN verifications require the consent of the subject individual.
For consent criteria, see GN 03305.001B.2. If the third-party requester, however,
is a social agency that provides disaster relief, such as FEMA or the Red Cross, consent
is not required.