Input diaries or listings on the Modernized Claims System (MCS) decision (DECI) screen
(see MSOM MCS 009.013). This input will interface with the Processing Center Action
Control System (PCACS) per MSOM PCACS 001.001 and establish the diary or listing.
If the report of contact (RPOC) screen is available, document the details of the diary code(s) and all issues under development, or justification for the listing.
If no RPOC screens are available, annotate a paper report of contact (RC) with the
above information and alert the PC on the printed routing screen or paper form.
EXCEPTIONS: If you process the claim manually (e.g., automate 101 (A101)), the diary or listing
must be established in OIO. Annotate the RPOC, A101 Benefit Continuity Remarks/Notice
(BCRN) screen or the paper SSA-3601 with the applicable diary listing code(s) and
all issues under development.