TN 85 (09-24)

GN 02408.900 Recovery of Title II International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments Incorrectly Issued After Death of Beneficiary

A. Policy for recovery of incorrect IDD payments

International Direct Deposit (IDD) payments issued after the death of a beneficiary must be recovered using procedures outlined in GN 02408.901 through GN 02408.920. These procedures are only for IDD payments in which the Routing and Transit Number (RTN) begins with the number 5, 6, or 7.

NOTE: The Department of Treasury has no authority over financial institutions (FI) in other countries.

B. Payments methods outside the United States

Title II beneficiaries living outside the United States can receive their payments several ways:

  1. 1. 

    IDD Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT);

  2. 2. 

    Correspondent banking arrangements through U.S. banks;

  3. 3. 

    Checks mailed directly to beneficiary’s home address outside the U.S.; or

  4. 4. 

    Checks mailed to a foreign FI via an FMS 233 (Power of Attorney).

C. Causes of incorrect IDD payments

Incorrect IDD payments after death occur due to the following:

  1. 1. 

    The death report may arrive after issuance of an IDD payment, or after the cutoff for the monthly payment file; or

  2. 2. 

    A systems limitation may prevent automated termination when transmission of a death report occurs or a payment returns for reason of death.

NOTE: If your component receives a report of the death of a beneficiary who received direct deposit to an FI outside the U.S., follow the instructions in GN 02402.230. This section also explains systems limitations that affect death terminations for beneficiaries living outside the U.S.

D. References

  • GN 02402.115 Power of Attorney to Foreign Financial Institutions (FI)

  • GN 02402.120 Correspondent Banking

  • GN 02402.200 List of International Direct Deposit (IDD) Countries

  • GN 02402.201 Background and Policy for Direct Deposit Outside the U.S.

  • GN 02408.610 Overview of the Reclamation Process for Title II and Title XVI EFT Payments

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GN 02408.900 - Recovery of Title II International Direct Deposit (IDD) Payments Incorrectly Issued After Death of Beneficiary - 09/04/2024
Batch run: 09/04/2024